出版时间:2009-3 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:(美)R.R.帕尔默,科尔顿,克雷默 页数:1212
Dramatic events in the contemporary world——wars, revolutions, terroristattacks, catastrophic natural disasters, economic crises and the endless stream of dailynews often obscure the long historical processes that have created the societies in whichwe live and the problems with which we cope. The mass media pay little attention to thebroader historical patterns and contexts that give deeper meaning to the swiftly movingevents of our era. This new edition of A History of the Modern World may be seen as themost recent version of a continuing search for historical perspectives on the complex,often bewildering, events of our age. It thus carries a guiding assumption that the events,cultures, and conflicts of the contemporary world are always evolving out of the long,complex histories of diverse peoples, ideas, institutions, social mores, economicexchanges, and struggles for political power.These multiple levels of human history have created modem societies and exertedwide influence on people and cultures around the world. This book therefore describes thehistories of specific nations and people and emphasizes landmark events such as wars andrevolutions, but it also stresses broad historical trends that have developed deep below themost prominent historical events and created what we now call "the modern world." Ournarrative explores the rise of nation-states and the conflicts that have shaped the worldover the last several centuries, yet it links such transitions and events to the wider histori-cal influence of the evolving global economy, the development of science and technology,the rise of industry, the significance of religious traditions, the origin and diffusion of newideas, the changing mores of family and social life, and the complex relations betweenWestern cultures and other cultures around the world.
本书讲述的是从中世纪末期到21世纪初的近现代世界的历史。作者以其深刻的历史洞见和巧妙的叙述技巧,为纷繁复杂的当代世界揭示出了历史变迁中的演变之迹。在20世纪后半期美国的世界史教科书中,本书是寿命最长、读者最多,影响最大的一种,畅销近六十年,修订十版。 影印版依据最新的英文第十版,分为上下两册(上册1815年前,下册1815年后)。
R.R.帕尔默(Robert RosweH Palmer,1909—2002),美国著名历史学家,曾任美国历史学会主席,长期执教普林斯顿大学。著有918世纪法国的天主教徒与不信神者》、《12人的统治——法国革命的恐怖岁月》和两卷本《民主革命时代——欧洲和美国的政治史,1760-1800》等。独力完成了《近现代世界史》第一版。
导读作者简介简明目录英文目录插图目录大事记、地图、图表、表格目录前言序言:革命的半个世纪与欧洲势力的扩张第十一章 工业、观念与改革之争(1815-1848年) 52.英国的工业革命 53.各种“主义”的出现 54.堤坝与洪水:国内方面 55.堤坝与洪水:国际方面 56.自由主义在西方的突破:1830-1832年的革命 57.西欧资产阶级的胜利第十二章 革命与秩序重建(1848-1870年) 58.巴黎:西方社会革命的幽灵 59.维也纳:中欧和意大利的民族主义革命 60.法兰克福和柏林:自由德意志问题 61.新欧洲“主义”:现实主义、实证主义、马克思主义 62.波拿巴主义:法兰西第二帝国(1852-1870年)第十三章 大民族国家的全球性巩固(1859-1871年) 63.背景:民族国家的观念 64.加富尔和1859年的意大利战争:意大利的统一 65.德意志帝国的建立与奥匈帝国的双王统治 66.沙皇俄国的自由化:亚历山大二世 67.美利坚合众国:美国内战 68.加拿大自治领,1867年 69.日本与西方第十四章 欧洲文明(1871-1914年):经济与政治 70.现代“文明世界” 71.基本的人口统计:欧洲人口的增长 72.19世纪的经济增长 73.民主的进步:法兰西第三共和国、联合王国、德意志帝国第十五章 欧洲文明(1871-1914年):社会与文化 74.民主的进步:社会主义、工会与女性主义 75.社会、哲学、艺术和宗教 76.古典自由主义的衰弱第十六章 欧洲的世界优势地位(1871-1914年) 77.帝国主义:本质和成因 78.美洲国家 79.奥斯曼帝国的解体 80.非洲的瓜分 81.帝国主义在亚洲:荷兰人、英国人和俄国人 82.帝国主义在亚洲:中国和西方 83.日俄战争及其后果第十七章 第一次世界大战 84.国际上的无政府状态 85.武装的对峙 86.俄国的崩溃与美国的干涉 87.奥地利帝国和德意志帝国的崩溃 88.大战对经济、社会和文化的影响 89.巴黎和会,1919年第十八章 俄国革命和苏联 90.背景 91.1905年革命 92.1917年革命 ……第十九章 一战之后的民主、反帝与经济危机第二十章 1930年代的民主和独裁第二十一章 第二次世界大战第二十二章 二战之后的冷战和重建第二十三章 亚洲和拉美的后殖民地国家第二十四章 从帝国到民族国家:二战之后的非洲与中东第二十五章 共存、对峙与新的全球经济第二十六章 苏联遭遇国际性的反叛第二十七章 变化中的现代世界附录 欧洲主要国家的统治者和政权进一步阅读文献索引
插图:conflicts and attempted conquests and secessions,SO that lt WaS only later in the nineteenthcentury that the mad of South and Central America took form as we know it today.In addition to these complex conflicts among themselves,the emerging Latin Ameri—can nations remained vulnerable to the imperial interventioas of outside powers.Let USretum to the congress of European powers meeting in Verona ifl 1822.At the very timewhen a French army suppressed the revolution ifl Spain.the revolutionaries in SpanishAmerica were declaring their independence At Verona,Tsar Alexander urged the Con—gress to mediate between Spain and its colonieS.This was a euphemistic Way of suggestingmilitary intervention in Spanish America.following the principle ofrepressing revolutions that had been announced at Troppau.The Britishobiected Even the T0ry government favored revolutions that might breakuD the Spanish empire into independent states,with which free tradetreatieS might be negotiated.Without at least benevolent neutrality from theBritish fleet no armed force could sail to America.The Spanish Americanstherefore maintained their independence,thanks in part to the use made by the British oftheir sea power on this occasion.