出版时间:2009-1 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:杨杰,牛建伟 编著 页数:234
《西方人文历史名著导读》(The Arts English Reader)是21世纪高等院校人文素质教育丛书之一,专门为高等院校英语及文史哲专业编写的教材,适用于英语本科专业的阅读课程和文史哲专业的专业英语课程。 本教材按照专业特点,以历史时代和西方文化发展为主线,兼虑文体难易,来编排篇目次序。课文共三个部分:古代部分、中世纪部分和近现代部分,共收23篇,皆精选自西方政治家、文学家和历史学家的经典英文译著和英文原著,其时代范围包括古代希腊罗马、中世纪西欧和近现代欧美;其内容包括政治、经济、文化、哲学和宗教;其文体涉及演说、对话、传记、论文、剧本、文件和通史等。精读本教材后,不但可以接触不同时代、不同文体、不同风格的文史哲作品,而且对西方政治传统和文化的演变有比较伞面的了解。
第一部分 古代部分 1 修昔底德 2 苏格拉底 3 索福克勒斯 4 柏拉图 5 亚里士多德 6 西塞罗第二部分 中世纪部分 7 奥古斯丁 8 阿奎那 9 米兰多拉 10 马基雅维利 11 马丁•路德 12 伽利略 13 弗兰西斯•培根 14 笛卡儿第三部分 近现代部分 15 托玛斯•霍布斯 16 洛克 17 伏尔泰 18 卢梭 19 歌德 20 米勒 21 马克思 22 达尔文 23 弗洛伊德参考书目
Reading PreludeThucydides was an Athenian general and historian. He is known for his History of the Pelloponesian War,the struggle between Athens and Sparta (431-404 BC). His emphasis on accuracy and his impartial attitude in reporting events and drawing conclusions won him the title "father of scientific history".Thucydides believed that studying events of the past could help men understand similar events in the future and perhaps avoid similar mistakes. He saw and reported the greed of power as the underlying cause of this war. Thucydides included facts he knew to be true, either from his own experience of the war or from interviews with persons who had participated in other actions. In his History of the Pelloponesian War, we find not only an exacting account of the details of the conflict, but also his own detailed analysis of human nature, as a means of understanding why events happen as they do.The famous "Funeral Speech of Pericles" is extracted from Book Vl. In spite of the fact that this speech was delivered at the annual public funeral ceremony in 431 BC honoring all Athenian soldiers who had died that year in the war against the Spartans (whom Pericles refers to as the Lacedaemonian), it does not say much about the dead. Instead, Pericles' oration overflows with praise for Athenian power and national character. He praises the freedom of the individual enjoyed by Athenian citizens, and he celebrates Athens' destiny to be an example and an "education" to other Greek cities. While reading the extract, please notice the things to which Thucydides/Pericles attributes Athenian greatness and the many civic virtues of individual Athenian citizens.