
出版时间:2009-1  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:石毅,于倩 主编  页数:133  


本书特点:  外交学院英语教学专家编写    高等院校本科英语教育核心课程教材,北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目,北京市精品课程英语泛读教学用书  选材语言地道,内容新颖,题材广泛,贴近生活,时代气息浓郁,可读性强  根据不同主题设置不同单元,知识内容自成体系  练习设计合理、实用,紧扣课文内容,针对性强,形式灵活      难易程度恰当,有助于扩大国际视野,以适应日益增长的外交与对外文化交流的需要


UNIT ONE EDUCATION TeXt A Battling the One Bad Apple  Text B Which College Brings the Bling  TeXt C  Mixed Results on Paying City Snldents to Pass TestsUNIT TWO ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION  Text A  New Orleans Dis2Lster Serves Up a Tbugh Lesson On EnVironment Text B  Forest Loss in Sumatra Becomes a Global Issue  Text C  Nine States in Plan tO Cut Emissions by Power PlantUNIT THREE CHINA HORIZONS  Text A Numbers Game in China  Text B  New Wealth Buys Makeovers in China  TextC New Suggle in China:Keep Up with the ChansUNIT FOUR GREAT BRITAIN TODAY  Text A Is Britain Still Home of Mannerly Charm?Dont'be Daft!  TeXtB Saving the Day   TeXtC Come and all on SloughUNTI FIVE THE CHANGING AMERICAN CULTURE  TeXt A Demand Growing for Taller Christmas Trees  TeXt B Storm Changed Americans' Attitudes  Text C How to Tell if You're AmericanUNIT SIX COMMUNICATION AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS  Text A Maintain a Healthy Relationship with Your Parents  Text B How to Mend a Broken Friendship:Reach Out to Old Friends  Text C Is Your Marriage in Trouble?UNIT SEVEN CAMPUS LIFE IN THE USA  Text A There’s More to COllege Life Than Classes:Get Involved! Text B  College Survival Tips for the NontraditiOnal COnege Students’    Successful Entry to college Life and a College Education  Text C  Commencement Address at Wellesley College    UNTI EIGHT LAW IN EVERDAY LIFE  Text A a You're Being Duped  Text B Get'Em Off the Road!  Text C Expel These TeachersGLOSSARY





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