出版时间:2008-11 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:Pam Tiberia 等 页数:216
本书是“新世纪走遍美国”系列丛书这一。本套丛书(1-4)包括《视频理解》、《会话练习》、《学习指导》和视频光盘。边看电视边对教材内容进行透彻、全面的学习,通过多种形式的练习巩固、提高。 《视频理解》的主要目标是帮助学习者掌握听力理解的技巧,同时更透彻地理解《全新版新世纪走遍美国》剧集中的人物和故事线索。该分册还强调了识别表情、肢体语言和文化细节的技巧,以及其他语言技能,如阅读、口语和词汇。《视频理解》适全有一定基础的初学者和中级水平的学习者,但是What About You?环节赋予教师自由度,可以提高或降低教材难度以适应学生的水平。《视频理解》可以独立使用,作为听力课教材;如果配上相应级别的《会话练习》和《学习指导》,则可以适应综合英语技能的教授。 《会话练习》主要的是帮助学生提高口语交际能力。每个单元都根据相应剧集的剧情设计了多种双人、小组和全班活动。每项活动都注重培养学生的会话能力,包括解释、提出疑问、面试、报告、复述、描述、表达感受、阐述意见等等。本书活动内容层次多样,适合从初级到中级水平的学生。每个活动的难度级别部有特殊标记标出,与本书配套的《学习指导》中还给出了根据学生具体水平调整活动的建议。每本《会话练习》都可以作为口语教材单独使用,也可以配合《视顿理解》和《学习指导》使用,全方位培养学生的英语应用技能。《学习指导》帮助学习者更深层地了解视频内容,并配有视频原文。本套教材适合不同层次的英语爱好者自学、远程教育,更加适合课堂教学,提供全套教学材料。
视频理解1 To the Teacher A Visual Tour HOW to Use This Book Rebecca's Dream Rebecca Casey is a singer.Her dream is to go to music school Culture Focus:Women and Careers Differences Rebecca fills out some college applications Rebecca and Sandy talk about how different their dreams are Culture Focus:College Applications A Visit to the Doctor Patrick Casey visits the doctor Rebecca and her friends go to e Memorial Day party Culture Focus:Holiday Parties Celebrations Kevin graduates from high school Rebecca gets news about her college applications Culture Focus:Names Breaking the News Rebecca tells her father and brother about the San Francisco College f Music Culture Focus:Living Together Saying Goodbye Rebecca says goodbye to some important people in her life. Mr.Casey finds a way to help his daughter. Culture Focus;Sports Leaving Home Mr.Casey has a surprise for Rebecca.Rebecca leaves Boston and starts her trip to San Francisco Culture Focus.Leaving Home The Stranger Rebecca has a problem in the Southwest She gets some help from a stranger Culture Focus:24 Hour Businesses The Mote Rebecca needs a place to sleep for the night She finds a motel in the desert Culture Focus: Personal Freedom Negotiations A mechanic gives Rebecca some bad news She must make a decision about her car Culture Focus:Bargaining for Prices Photos and Farewells Alberto takes Rebecca to the bus station They make a stop on the way Culture Focus."Dating Customs A New Home Nancy Shaw meets Rebecca at the bus station in San Francisco There are some surprises for Rebecca at Nancy's house Culture Focus:Senior Citizens and Housing Meet the Discussion Group Character Index学习指导1 Part 1 Guidebook for video comprehension Book Introduction 1 Rebecca's Dream 2 Differences 3 A Visit to the Doctor 4 Celebrations 5 Breaking the News 6 Saying Goodbye 7 Leaving Home 8 The Stranger 9 The Motel 10 Negotiations 11 Photos and Farewells 12 A New Home Part 2 Guideb00k for Conversation Book Introduction 1 Rebecca's Dream 2 Differences 3 A Visit to the Doctor 4 Celebrations 5 Breaking the News 6 Saying Goodbye 7 Leaving Home 8 The Stranger 9 The Motel 10 Negotiations 11 Photos and Farewells 12 A New Home Part 3 Video script 1 Rebecca's Dream 2 Differences 3 A Visit to the Doctor 4 Celebrations 5 Breaking the News 6 Saying Goodbye 7 Leaving Home 8 The Stranger 9 The Motel 10 Negotiations 11 Photos and Farewells 12 A New Home会话练习1 TO THE TEACHER A VISUAL TOUR OF THIS TEXT EPISODE 1 REBECCAS DREAM Favorite Songs Pursuing Your Dreams Male/Female Relationships SONG;TRAVEUNG UGHT Choosing a College(Appendix 1) EPISODE 2 DlFFERENCES Making a Shopping List Taking Care of Someone Friendship INFORMATION GAP:SAVING MONEY Working in a Factory(Appendix 2) EPISODE 3 A VISIT TO THE DOCTOR Going to the Doctor Career Choices Barbecues GAME:WHAT'S YOUR JOB? Holidays(Appendix 3) EPISODE 4 CELEBRATIONS Expressing Congratulations Graduation from High School Getting Accepted INFORMATION GAP:DIFFERENT TYPES OF FAMIUES Being Proud (Appendix 4) EPISODE 5 BREAKlNG THE NEWS Buying a Used Car A Shopping Mall Formal and Informal Clothes GAME:A PARENT'S APPROVAL Shopping for Clothes(Appendix 5) EPISODE 6 saying goodbye Saying Goodbye to Friends Music Lessons Junk Food INFORMATION GAP:BASEBALL The Boston Red Sox(Appendix 6) EPISODE 7 LEACING HOME Surprises Presents Good Luck/Bad Luck GAME:A TRIP ACROSS THE U.S.WITH REBECCA Discovering the United States(Appendix 7) EPISODE 8 THE STRANGER Talking to Strangers Being Afraid Car Trouble SONG:WHERE’S MY BABY? The Desert(Appendix 8) EPISODE 9 THE MOTEL Being Polite Helping Someone Answering Machines NFORMAT|ON GAP:DATING Staying in a Motel(Appendix 9) EPISODE 10 NEGOTI Anons Good and Bad Dreams Bargaining Selling Your Car GAME:CAR REPAIRS Native Americans(Appendix 10) EPISODE 11 PHOTOS AND FAREWELLS Taking Photos Taking a Bus Trip Speeding INFORMATION GAP:IMMIGRANTS IN THE U.S. Nature and Natural Beauty(Appendix 11) EPISODE 12A NEW HOME Living in a Boarding House Cultural Differences Growing Old NFORMATION GAP:PAYING BILLS Retirement Homes(Appendix 12) APPENDICES 1-12 OPTIONAL PROJECT PIAGES,EPISODES 1-12 APPENDIX 13 MANIPULALTIVES
《新世纪走遍美国1》根据情节的民展进行结构安排,通过连续剧的形式介绍美国人的生活,工作和人际关系,鲜活地展示了美国的风土人情和社会生活的方方面面。 美国生活全方位、美语视频全接触; 优秀的专业演员、高水平的专业制作; 真实生动的美国风情、与众不同的学习体验。 经典英语听说教材,快速增进听说能力;领略精彩美语生活,感受地道文化气息。