出版时间:2008-11 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:辜正坤 英译 页数:317 译者:辜正坤
《老子》一书的作者和成书年代,迄今无定论。这方面最早的文字记载见于司马迁的《史记》。《史记》比较客观地记述了当时流行的说法:“老子者,楚苦县厉乡曲仁里人也。姓李氏,名耳,字聃,周守藏室之史也。”楚苦县,楚国苦县,即今河南鹿邑;周守藏室之史,指东周王朝掌管图书的史官。据传老子博闻强记。同时代人孔子亦曾向他请教过周礼。他晚年隐居,共活了160多岁(另说200多岁)。 然而司马迁本人也无法肯定上述流行看法的可靠性。出于一种史家特有的客观态度.他因此又罗列出有关老子其人的其它两种说法。
3.1 To approach Tao through a deep meditation Lao Zi teaches that the deep meditation helps man a lot inperceiving the truth of the world, Tao. A successful meditationneeds to get rid of ones distracting thoughts.Distractingthoughts stem from knowledge and desires. Knowledge is achaotic system of concepts and ideas which are indubitablybiased. Knowledge helps us a lot just as it misleads us on manyoccasions. Culture itself functions as colorful glasses distorthingour view of the physical world.Desires excite our bodies andbefuddle our mind, distorting our senses and reason, renderingus unable to observe and examine the world calmly andobjectively. A deep meditation, therefore, summons up the greatnecessity of discarding knowledge and desires: "Keeping thepeople from knowledge and desires" (Ch. 3 ); "Discard clevernessand wisdom / And the people will benefit themselves ahundredfold.., keep being simple in nature and mind, / Discardselfishness and weaken desires./ Discard cultural knowledgeand worries will all disappear " (Ch. 19). Of course, one cannoteasily get rid of knowledge and desires by purely exposingoneself to theoretical persuasion. There must need some meansthat are both practical and applicable. Sitting in meditation, forexample, is one of those means; or more popalarly, people callit the art of Qigong (breathing exercises): "Body and soul areone,/ But can they avoid separation?/ Concentrating onbreathing exercises to be supple, / Can you become as supple asa baby? / Though you can get rid of your distracting thoughts fora deeper meditation, / Can you be devoid of blemish ?"(Ch. 10) As is known, when we are engaged in breathing exercises,we must try our best to relax ourselves, entering into a spiritual.