
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:怀尔德 等 著  页数:445  


  International Business, Fourth Edition by Wild, Wild,and Han Integrates Culture Early and Often International business is all about you and me. This book presents the latest theories and concepts while highlighting the leading role culture plays in global commerce. This fourth edition of International Business: The Challenges of Globalization places culture and global topics front and center. It embraces culture and globalization as its foundation, and explains their interaction with business in a straightforward, engaging fashion. This book also integrates the latest technology by using an online market entry strategy project and downloadable podcasts to help students learn international business.  This book is our means of travel on an exciting virtual world tour through the study of international business. International Business delivers superior value to instructors and students because it is designed for todays student. This book motivates the reader with its concise vocabulary, thought-provoking examples, and vivid illustrations. It presents in a logical and structured manner how intricate dynamics are reshaping the global market- place. Recent, real-world examples and interesting features bring the concepts of interna-tional business to life for students. This fourth edition once again delivers the most read-able, current, and concise international business textbook on the market.  Hallmark Features of International Business Culture Early and Often Culture is presented in Chapter 2 and integrated within the text through culture-rich, chap- ter-opening company profiles and lively examples of cultural differences in business.  Highly Readable  Difficult material is presented in straightforward terms. Fol example, we explain absolute and comparative advantage  in Chapter 5 by discussing whether Tiger Woods should install his own hot tub or let a professional installer perform the job!  Uniquely Integrative  International business is not simply a collection of.separate business functions and environmental forces. The model to the fight (detailed in Chapter 1) is a unique organizing framework that helps students understand how elements of interna-tional business are related. It depicts a dynamic, integrated system that weaves together national business environments, the international business environment, and international business management--all interacting in an age of globalization. Market Entry Strategy Project This books unique, interactive project has students ana-lyze a country in which to introduce a new product.


  《国际商务》包含了国际商务最新的理论和内容,并强调文化在国际商务中扮演的重要作用。《国际商务》的主题放在最前沿和中心的位置,以文化和全球化为基础,用直白和吸引人的方式解释了它们与商务之间的内在关联,并通过在线市场策略项目来帮助大家学习国际商务。  本教材适用于经济学、国际经济与贸易、国际商务等专业本科生的国际商务课程。


  约翰·J.怀尔德(John J.Wild),麦迪逊威斯康星大学的资深教授,担任本科生和研究生的商务课程教学工作,曾获得多项教学优秀奖。他还经常在各所大学、国内和国际会议上发表演讲;是包括国际商务学会在内的多个国内和国际组织的会员,同时还是多家著名杂志的副主编或编委会成员。


前言第1部分 全球商务环境第1章 全球化第2部分 国内商务环境第2章 跨文化商务第3章 政治、法律和商业伦理第4章 经济体制和经济发展第3部分 国际贸易与投资第5章 国际贸易第6章 企业与政府间的贸易关系第7章 对外直接投资第8章 区域经济一体化第4部分 国际金融体系第9章 国际金融市场第10章 国际货币体系第5部分 国际商务管理第11章 国际战略与组织第12章 国际机会分析第13章 选择并管理进入模式第14章 产品开发与营销第15章 管理国际经营第16章 雇用与管理员工注释资料来源主题附表


  Large ocean-going cargo vessels are needed to support these patterns in international trade and deliver merchandise from one shore to another. In fact, Greek and Japanese mer-chant ships own over 30 percent of the worlds total capacity (measured in tons shipped, or tonnage) of merchant ships. As a whole, the developing countries share of the total is ris-ing and today stands at nearly 20 percent.4 Who Trades with Whom? Not surprisingly, a broad pattern of merchandise trade among the worlds nations tends to persist. Trade between the worlds high-income econ0mies accounts for roughly 60 percent of total world merchandise trade. Two-way trade between high-income countries and low- and middle-income nations accounts for about 34 percentof world merchandise trade. Meanwhile, merchandise trade between low- and middle-income nations accounts for only about 6 percent of total world trade. These figures reveal  the low purchasing power of the worlds poorest nations and indicate their general lack of economic development.  Table 5.2 shows trade data for the major regions of the world economy. The number representing intraregional exports for Europe (which is at the intersection of the row and column titled "Europe") immediately stands out. This number tells us almost $3 trillion (nearly 74 percent) of Europes exports are destined for other European nations. In contrast, intraregional exports account for 22 percent of all exports in Asia and 56 percent of exports in North America. These data underscore the rationale behind, and results of, efforts toward European regional integration called the European Union---discussed fully in Chapter 8.  Data in Table 5.2 also reveal why headlines in the United States often complain that Asias markets are not open to goods from North America. The value of North American exports to Asia, $249 billion, is less than half the value of Asian exports to North America, $533 billion. But as economies across Asia develop, these figures should adjust to reflect  their greater purchasing power. Some economists call this century the "Pacific century," referring to the expected future growth of Asian economies and the resulting shift in trade flows from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. As these nations economies grow, it will become increasingly important for managers to fully understand how to do business in  Asia. See this chapters Global Managers Briefcase titled "Building Good Relations in the Pacific Rim" for some pointers on doing business in Pacific Rim nations. Trade Dependence and Independence All countries fall on a continuum of trade interdependencies, with total dependence on another country at one end, and total independence from other countries at the other end. Complete independence was considered desirable from the sixteenth century through much of the eighteenth. Some remote island nations were completely independent simply because they lacked methods of transportation to engage in trade. However, today this is far less common, and isolationism is generally considered undesirable.  Effect on Developing and Transition Nations Developing and transition nations that share borders with developed countries are often dependent on their wealthier neighbors.Trade dependency has been a blessing for many central and eastern European nations. A large number of joint ventures now bridge the borders between Germany and its neigh-bors---Germany recently had more than 6,000 joint ventures in Hungary alone. Germany also is the single-most important trading partner of the central and eastern European nations that in 2004 joined the European Union (www.europa.eu). To gain an advantage over the competition, German firms are combining German technology with relatively low-cost labor in Central and Eastern Europe. For example, Opel (www.opel.com), the German arm of General Motors Corporation (www.gm.com), built a $440 million plant in Szentgotthard,Hungary, to make parts for and assemble its Astra hatchbacks destined for export.  Dangers of Trade Dependency Trade dependency can be dangerous. If the nation that is depended on experiences economic recession or political turmoil, the dependent nation can experience serious economic problems. Trade dependency is causing concern today in Mexico.


  《国际商务》特色  文化贯穿始终每章都以具有浓厚文化特色的公司简介开始,书中还有大量有关商务活动中文化差异的生动案例。  通俗易懂《国际商务》将复杂的内容用浅显的文字进行表述。  整体性突出《国际商务》独特的组织框架描绘了一个动态、完整的系统,包括国内商务环境、国际商务环境、国际商务管理等全球化过程中相互影响的各个方面。  市场进入战略项目《国际商务》的一个独特、互动的项目就是要求学生分析一个准备投入新产品的国家市场。  创新性教学《国际商务》独立的教学模块包括企业家工具包、全球经理人公文包、全球性挑战、文化因素、商务启示。  自主学习工具《国际商务》精选的课后练习材料包括讨论题、小组课题、在线学习、伦理问题和国际管理案例实践。



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