出版时间:2008-9-1 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:陈恒编著 页数:623
历史学之产生,是因为人类想认识自己,因为人类始终在关注生存的意义。 历史意识和历史知识的生成、发展和成熟,经过了由粗疏到精致的过程,中国如此,西方亦然。 从古希腊罗马的神话、传说与史诗,经由中世纪以神学观念为指导的编年史,衍至文艺复兴、思想启蒙,近代世界兴起,历史学走向科学之路;到20世纪,史学更生新变,乃至标举“新史学”,向传统史学观念提出挑战;而随着语言转向、下层凸显,历史学家自我省思写什么、如何写,史学面貌更为丰姿多彩。 本书精选西方历史经典著作的原文片段,从古希腊到现代,广为采撷,以便读者了解西方历史思想发生与演进的概貌。
导言西方历史思想的演进第一部分 古代世界:西方的根基 古代希腊 1 神话历史 2 工作与时日 3 希腊人和蛮族伟大业绩 4 论战争 5 波里比阿笔下的世界 6 实用历史 7 通史 8 论修昔底德 9 论历史与诗歌 10 论希罗多德的恶意 11 论撰史 12 亚历山大史与印度志 古代罗马 13 自建城以来 14 十二铜表 15 论法律的起源 16 历史与修辞 17 论雄辩 18 阿提卡之夜 19 书信 20 喀提林阴谋 21 黄金时代 22 历史第二部分 中世纪:基督教时代 拜占庭 23 学说汇纂 24 秘史的目的 25 历史 26 亚历克西斯皇帝政事记 犹太-基督教传统 27 四君主论 28 基督教史观 29 犹太一基督教传统中的古代性与传统性 30 异教的历史概念 31 教会史 32 神圣的学问与世俗的学问 33 进步的观念 34 历史的定义 35 论时间、宇宙和人生 36 历史的设计 37 雅歌 38 比喻意义与历史意义之间的关系和解释 中世纪 39 哥特人的事迹与起源 40 基督教史观 41 历史的效用 42 论历史的精确性 43 致林肯的亚历山大主教 44 英国史 45 历史之花 46 历史的教训 ……第三部分 近代的兴起:从文艺复兴到启蒙运动第四部分 现代西方:进步与衰落附录编后记
child of Inachus.The women were standing by the stem of the ship intent upon theirP urchases,when the Phoenicians,with a general shout,rushed upon them.The greater partmade their escape.but some were seized and carried o托Io herself was among the captives.The Phoenicians put the women on board their vessel.and set sail for Egypt.Thus didIo pass into Egypt,according to the Persian story,which differs widely from thePhoenician:and thus commenced,according to their authors,the series of outrages.At a later period,certain Greeks,with whose name they are unacquainted,butwho would probably be Cretans,made a landing at Tyre,on the Phoenician coast,andbore off the king’s daughter,Europe.In this they only retaliated;but afterwardsmanned a ship of war,and sailed to Aea,a city of Colchis,on the river Phasis;from whence,after despatching the rest of the business on which they had come,they carried off Medea.the daughter of the king of the land.The monarch sent a herald into Greeceto demand reparation of the wrong,and the restitution of his child;but the Greeks made answer,that having received no reparation of the wrong done them in the seizure Of Io the Argive.they should give none in this instance.In the next generation afterwards,according to the same authorities,Alexander the son of Priam,bearing these events in mind,resolved to procure himself a wife out of Greece by violence,fully persuaded,that as the Greeks had not given satisfaction fortheir outrages.so neither would he be forced to make any for his.Accordingly he made prize of Helen;upon which the Greeks decided that,be:fore resorting to other measures,thev would send envoys to reclaim the princess and require reparation of the wrong.Their demands were met by a re:ference to the violence which had been offered to Medea。and they were asked with what face they could now require satisfaction,whenthey had formerly rejected all demands for either reparation or restitution addressed tothem.Hitherto the injuries on either side had been mere acts of common violence;but in what followed the Persians consider that the Greeks were greatly to blame,smce before any attack had been made on Europe,they led an army into Asia.Now as for the carrying off of women,it is the deed,they say,of a rogue;but to make a stir about such as are carried off.argues a man a f001.Men of sense care nothing for such women.since it is plain that without their own consent they would never be tbrced away.The Asiatics.when the Greeks ran off witIl their women,never troubledthemselves about the matter;but the Greeks,for the sake of a single Lacedaemonian girl,collected a vast armament,invaded Asia,and destroyed the kingdom of Priam.Henceforth they ever looked upon the Greeks as their open enemies.For Asia,with all the various tribes of barbarians that inhabit it.is regarded by the Persians as their own;but Europe and the Greek race they look on as distinct and separate.