
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:北京大学  作者:韩礼德  页数:243  


‘Halliday's investigations into grammatical metaphor take us deeply into the way we construct and expand meanings, starting with representations of concrete experienced events and ending with theoretical worlds populated by abstract entities linked through generalized relations and causalities. He finds these processes most strikingly in the development of the modern sciences that have historically created robUst virtual worlds of theory from observable material events. But he sees these same processes in all the meaning systems of modern life, whether law, bureaucracy, economics or arts. He sees the same processes of grammatical metaphor as children learn to participate in our built symbolic environment, particularly as they are introduced to these meaning systems in schools, an institution designed expressly for that purpose.'


Professor M.A.K.Halliday,was Foundation Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney until his retirement and has taught as Visiting Professor around the world As a seif-styled generalist he has published in many branches of linguistics.


PrefaceAcknowledgementsIntroduction:How Big Is a Language?On the Power of LanguagePART ONE GRAMMATICAL METAPHOR Editor’S Introduction  1 Language and the Reshaping of Human Experience  2 Language and Knowledge:the‘Unpacking’of Text  3 Things and Relations: Regrammaticizing Experience as Technical Knowledge  4 The Grammatical Construction of Scientific Knowledge:the Framing ofthe English ClausePART TW0 SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH Editor’S Introduction  5 On the Language of Physical Science  6 Some Grammafic~Problems in Scientific English  7 On the Grammar ofScientific English  8 Writing Science:Literacy and Discursive Power BibliographyIndex




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用户评论 (总计4条)


  •   科学语言与语言科学,要好好研读才能读出里面的深长意味来。
  •   这本书是韩礼徳所有有关科学语篇中的语法隐喻的合集,很有帮助,只是较为难懂。
  •   韩礼德的力作,值得阅读。不过太早期的文章,需要结合语言学的最近进展结合起来阅读。
  •   Halliday's investigations into grammatical metaphor take us deeply into the way we construct and expand meanings, starting with representations of concrete experienced events and ending with theoretical worlds populated by abstract entities linked through generalized relations and causalities. He finds these processes most strikingly in the development of the modern sciences that have historically created robUst virtual worlds of theory from observable material events. But he sees these same processes in all the meaning systems of modern life, whether law, bureaucracy, economics or arts. He sees the same processes of grammatical metaphor as children learn to participate in our built symbolic environment, particularly as they are introduced to these meaning systems in schools, an institution designed expressly for that purpose.'

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