
出版时间:2007-11  出版社:北京大学  作者:韩礼德  页数:309  字数:430000  


语言可以从内部或外部加以研究,也就是可以从生物体内部或从生物体之间的不同视角进行研究。从外部、从生物体之间考察语言的视角实际上就是语言的功能观。本书从社会的角度考察语言,揭示语言的本质属性,探讨语言的功能,阐明语言在社会人生活中的地位。本书内容丰富,就不同的主题论述了社会语言学或语言社会学的理论,包括语言研究的社会视角、语义潜势、语言与社会人、语言发展、编码取向、语言变异与语言品种等。   语码与语域及社会文言不一样,它不是语言品种。语码是说话人选择语义和听话人解释语义的符号组织的原则。功能语言理论认为语码是语域的决定因素,对在情景类型中选择主义起作用。作者简介:  Professor M.A.K.Halliay(b.1925)was Foundation Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney until his retirement and has taught as a Visiting Professor around the world.As a self-styled'generalist'hehas published in many branches of linguistics.


  Professor M.A.K.Halliay(b.1925)was Foundation Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney until his retirement and has taught as a Visiting Professor around the world.As a self-styledgeneralisthehas published in many branches of linguistics.


PrefaceAcknowledgementsPART ONE USERS AND USES Edifor’s Introduction  1 The Users and Uses of Language(1964)PART TWo SoCIOLINGUISTIC TH]E}oRY Editor’S Introduction  2 Language in a SociM Perspective(1971)  3 Language and Social Man(1974)  4 Sociological Aspects of Semandc Change(1975)  5 Language as Social Semiotic:Towards a General Sociolinguistic Theory(1975)  6 Aspects of Sociolinguistic Research(1975)PART THREE LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL CLASS Editor’S Introduction  7 Foreword to Basil Bernstein's Class,Codes and Control Vol.2:Applied Studies towards a Sodotogy ofLanguage(1973)  8 Language and the Theory of Codes(1994)PART FOUR LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE Edltor’s Introduction  9 An Interpretation of the Functional Relationship between Language and Social Structure(1978)  10 Anti-languages(1976)AfterwordBibhography Index




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  •   专业用书,质量很好。
  •   语码与语域及社会文言不一样,它不是语言品种。语码是说话人选择语义和听话人解释语义的符号组织的原则。功能语言理论认为语码是语域的决定因素,对在情景类型中选择主义起作用。

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