出版时间:2007-1 出版社:北京大学 作者:刘世铸主编 页数:313
《英语综合教程(第2册)(学生用书)》是根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》编写,致力于培养学生具有扎实的语言基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、较强的能力和较高的人文素质。本套教材为基础英语课程教材,共四册,可供高等院校英语专业一、二年级学生使用。本册为第二册,适用于一年级第二学期。 本册共15个单元,选材以扩大学生知识面、培养学生的综合素质为主要原则,内容涉及童话、爱情、友谊、幸福、教育、社会问题、网络、名人传记、理想、科技、经济、体育等15个主题。每单元包括八个主要部分。
Unit 1 Fairy TaleText A Beauty and the Beast / 3Text B Beauty and the Beast / 15Unit 2 LoveText A The Power of Love / 22Text B The Love Ill Never Forget / 32Unit 3 Money and HappinessText A The Real Truth about Money / 41Text B Happiness / 52Unit 4 EducationText A National Wealth Tax to Fund Education? / 60Text B Are Single-Sex Classrooms Legal? / 71Unit 5 Social IssuesText A The Scope of the Teen Pregnancy Problem / 79Text B Is Abortion Murder? / 91Unit 6 CyberspaceText A Vulnerability of the Internet and World Wide Web / 99Text B Internet Evolution: Cyber Youth Culture in China / 109Unit 7 BiographyText A Earnest Hemingway / 120Text B JosephHeller / 132Unit8Reflections on LifeText A Think Inside the Square to Keep Those Love Fires BurningText B Learn How to Face Difficulty / 150Unit 9 AmbitionText A Ambition: Why Some People Are Most Likely to SucceedTextB The Roots of My Ambition / 168Unit 10 ChinaTodayText A China: Past and Prensent / 177TextB Cultural Healing / 187Unit 11 Friendship .Text A The Value of Friendship / 197Text B All Un-Alone in the Ci.ty / 208Unit 12 HonestyText A Honesty Is the Best Policy / 216TextB To Lie or Not to Lie? / 229Unit 13 SportsText A A Change Will Do Them Good / 237Text B Cheerleading / 247Unit 14 ScienceText A Can We Know the Universe-Reflections on a Grain of SaltTextB FutureTech / 273Unit 15 EconomyText A