
出版时间:2007-10  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:林静  页数:210  




Part One Secretarial Writings Chapter 1 Note  1. Definition  2. Kinds of Note  3. Examples of Notes/Signs  4. Writing Assignment*** Chapter 2 Notice  1. The General Inforrnation  2. The Writing Guide  3. Model Expressions  4. Examples of Various Notice  5. Writing Assignment Chapter 3 Poster  1. What's Poster7  2. The Writing Instruction  3. Examples of Poster  4. Writing Assignment Chapter 4 Announcement  1. The General Information  2. Model Expressions  3. Examples of Various Announcements  4. Writing Assignment Chapter 5 Report  1. The General Information  2. Model Expressions  3. Examples of Business Reports  4. Writing Assignment Chapter 6 Memorandum (Memo)  1. Memo and the Structure  2. About the Writing  3. Examples of Memos  4. Writing Assignment Chapter 7 Agenda  1. Introduction of Agenda  2. Examples of Agenda  3. Some Expressions (of Amendments) Chapter 8 Minutes  1. Introduction of Minutes  2. The Written Form of Minutes  3. Examples of Minutes  4. Writing Assignment Chapter 9 Application  1. Tips of Writing a Job Application  2. How to Write an Application Effectively  3. Examples of Applications  4. Writing Assignment *** Chapter 10 Resume  1. Introduction of sum  2. Example of sum  3. Writing Assignment Chapter 11 Recommendation  1. The Contents Involved  2. The Usual Sentences in the Letter  3. Letters of Self-Recommendation  4. Examples of Recommendations Chapter 12 Letters of Introduction  1. Two Kinds of Introduction Letters  2. The Beginning Words of the Letter  3. Examples of Official Letters  4. Examples of Personal Letters  5. Writing Assignment Chapter 13 Certificate  1. Introduction of Certificate  2. The Usual Expressions  3. Examples of Certificates  4. About Notarial Certificates  5. Commercial Certificates  6. Writing Assignment Chapter 14 Letters of Resignation  1. About the Writing  2. Example of a Letter of Resignation  3. Writing Assignment Chapter 15 Advertisement  1. Language Characteristics  2. Ads. in Purchases and Sales (with Chinese Translation)  3. Ads. for Vacancy  4. Usual Abbreviation in Ads.  5. Writing Assignment*** Chapter 16 Letters of Invitation  1. The Writing Skill  2. Expressions in Different Situation  3. Examples of Exhibition Invitations and Acknowledgements  4. Invitation Cards  5. Writing Assignment*** Chapter 17 Letters of Congratulation  1. The Writing of the Letter  2. Patterns and Expressions  3. Examples of Letters of Congratulation  4. Writing Assignment  5. Greeting Card Chapter 18 Others  1. University Codes of Behavior--More Information*  2. Course Work*  3. Tips to Keep Your Instructors Happy*Part Two Business Letters Chapter 1 Sales Promotion  1. The Purpose of Writing "Sales Letter"   2. How to Write a Good Sales Letter?  3. Examples of Sales Letters  4. Useful Sentences on Sales Promotion Chapter 2 Ordering  1. What's an Order?  2. The Quality of an Order/an Order-Letter  3. Examples of Ordering  4. Useful Sentences on Ordering Chapter 3 Urging, Examining and Amending L/C  1. Urging the Establishment of L/C  2. Examining and Amending L/C Chapter 4 Complains, Disputes and Claims  1. Why do the Complaints Arise?  2. How to Write a Complaint or Claim Letter?  3. How to Write Letters Concerning Disputes7  4. Examples of Correspondence (Letters of Complaints, Disputes and Claims)  5. Useful Sentences on Complaints, Disputes and Claims  6. Some Terms Used in Complaints, Disputes and Claims  7. ExercisePart Three Contractual Writing and Translation Chapter 1 What's a Contract? Chapter 2 The Structure of a Contract  1. Preamble of a Contract  2. Body of a Contract  3.  Witness/Final Clause of a Contract  4. The General Clauses Involved in a Contract Summed Up Chapter 3 Letters of Credit  1. The Definition of L/C  2. Kinds of L/C  3. The Contenfs Involved in an L/C  4. Useful Sentences on L/C  5. Examples of 9 Kinds of L/C  6. Shipping Documents Required under L/C Chapter 4 Stylistic Features of Contractual Writing  1. Using Archaic Words  2. Using Capitalization  3. "Shall" in Legal English  4. "Should" in Legal English  5. Using Formal Words and Phrases  6. Using Pairs of Synonyms  7. Using "Include" and the Like  8. Using "ONLY"  Chapter 5 About Contractual Translation  1. Specific Criteria for Contractual Translation  2. Confusing Synonyms  3. More Examples of Words with Multi-interpretations  4. Exercise Chapter 6 Translation of the Frequent Clauses in a Contract  1-16. Clauses and Their Translations  17. Exercise Chapter 7 Contracts and Agreements  1. Sales and Purchase Contracts  2. Sales Agency Agreement  3. Consignment Agreement  4. Compensation Trade ContractAppendix Ⅰ. Reference Key to the Writing Assignment Ⅱ. Reference Key to Part Three, Chapter 6 Ⅲ. Reference Translation of Some Contracts (Chapter 7, Part 3) Ⅳ. A List of Abbreviations and Simplified Words Commonly Used inTrading Documents Ⅴ. Frequent Words and Phrases in Foreign Trade Ⅵ. ReferencesNote: *material from UK; ***with reference key



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  •   内容很丰富,适合英语应用文写作的学习,能体现编者的教学思路和目的,挺好的!假如多例文稍做讲解会更好。
  •   是老师要求使用的教学用书~把商务写作分得很细~内容也丰富~但举得例文本人觉得有点少
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  •   上课要用的课本,印刷都不错,就是内容一般~
  •   买来都没有用多少,后悔买了!
  •   林静老师给我们上这门课,写的不错,很有用。
  •   作为上午写作的指导,这本书可真的不是最好的。我以前有一本,不知被谁借走了,跟着就消失了。记得原来那本好像是北外或外研社编的,实用性很强。这本范例少。涉及的方面也比较窄,遗憾。
  •   有点失望,感觉不是很好,一些例子比较简单,实用性很一般。一个专题就一个例子……
  •   老师说不买就过不了这门课,我屈服了


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