出版时间:2007-11 出版社:北京大学 作者:赵世刚
第一部分 存取款业务Part Ⅰ Deposit and Withdrawal Service第一单元 开立活期账户Opening a Current Account第二单元 开立定期存款账户Opening a Time Deposit Account第三单元 存款及定期提前支取Making Deposit and Early Withdrawal第四单元 活期存款转定期存款二例Two Examples of Transferring from Savings Accountto Time DepositAccount第五单元 关户及密码挂失Closing an Account and Reporting Loss of the PIN Number第六单元 存单挂失及取款透支Reporting Loss of the Deposit Certificate and Overdrawing第七单元 借记卡挂失二例Two Examples of Loss Report of Debit Cards第八单元 指导使用自助提款机HOW to Use the ATM第九单元 指导在自助存款机存款How to Use the Cash Deposit Machine(CDM)补充单词Exercise第二部分 外币兑换Part Ⅱ Foreign Currency Exchange第一单元 外币兑换一般手续General Procedures for Foreign Currency Exchange第二单元 保管兑换水单Keeping the Exchange Memo第三单元 收取手续费规定The Charge Standard for Foreign Currency Exchange第四单元 非居民兑换外币Non-Residents Purchasing Foreign Currency第五单元 外币兑换二例Two Examples of Foreign Currency Exchange第六单元 解释为何没收假钞Explanations about Confiscating CounterfeitNote第七单元 介绍假币的一般特征和设收假币的手续General Features of Counterfeit Notes and Confiscation Procedures补充单词Exercise第三部分 旅行支票Part Ⅲ Traveler’s Cheques第一单元 咨询旅行支票托收Inquiring about Traveler’s Cheques Collection第二单元 复签、贴息及买卖差价Countersignature,Discount and Cash Withdrawal Charge第三单元 当面复签及不可代兑旅支Countersigning in the Presence of the Bank Clerk and Cashing in Person第四单元 旅支授权及保管水单Authorization and Exchange Memo第五单元 旅支复签及现钞面额Countersigning and Asking for Various Banknote Denominations第六单元 旅行支票丢失处理Solutions to Lost or Stolen Traveler’s Cheques第七单元 旅行支票不得代签及背书转让Countersigning Your Own Traveler’s Cheques补充单词Exercise第四部分 汇款业务Part Ⅳ Remittance第一单元 咨询海外汇款Checking Inward Remittance第二单元 汇款手续费与定期自动转存Remittance Commission and Making a Time Deposit第三单元 汇入查询二例Two Examples of Checking Inward Remittance第四单元 解释汇款名称不符的问题Dealing with Non-Compliance of Account Name andNumber笫五单元 合格汇票的兑付与托收Cashing and Collection of a Bank Draft第六单元 非居民客户向海外汇款Outward Remittance by Non-Residents第七单元 汇出汇款业务操作与填单辅导Remittance Operation and Guiding Customers with Application第五部分 信用卡业务Part Ⅴ Credit Card第一单元 申请中银长城国际卡Applying for a BOC Great Wall International Card第二单元 办理中银信用卡Applying for a BOC Credit Card第三单元 申请长城人民币信用卡Applying for a BOC Great Wall Domestic Card第四单元 信用卡一般取现手续Procedures for Cash Withdrawal with a Credit Card第五单元 外卡取现/授权要求Cash Withdrawal/Authofization Requirements for Foreign Credit Card第六单元 介绍信用卡的类型功能及费率标准Introduction to Credit Card——Type,Function and Charge Standards第七单元 自动取款机故障When the ATM is NOt Working Properly第八单元 处理有争议的取现业务Dealing with Complaints and Misunder-standings第九单元 ATM机吞卡的处理When the Card is Stuck in the ATM第十单元 大堂经理信用卡常识问答Questions and Answers about Credit CardExercise第六部分 银行保管箱业务Part Ⅵ Safe Deposit BOX第一单元 介绍开办保管箱业务的分支机构Directing Clients to the Right Bank第二单元 在中银大厦支行开立保管箱Opening a Safe Deposit Box at Zhong Yin Desk Sha Sub-Branch第三单元 开箱及续租Opening a Box and Extending the Lease第四单元 挂失及解挂Reporting Loss and Replacing the Keys第五单元 退箱Returningthe Safe Deposit Box第六单元 全自动保管箱业务手续Automatic Safe Deposit Box Services in Bank of China补充单词Exercise第七部分 大堂经理咨询服务Part Ⅶ Questions and Answers at the Inquiry第一单元 大堂经理致欢迎词Making a Welcoming Speech第二单元 介绍中国银行历史及标识A Brief History of the Bank of China and Its Logo第三单元 介绍营业时间和营业网点Telling Customers about Business Hours and offices第四单元 银行员工引导客户Ushering-in第五单元 叫号机的使用与银行突发事件的解释和处理Using Ticket Station and Handling Emergencies第六单元 接待友好客户并回答相关奥运问题Receiving Friendly Customers and Answering Questions about Olympic Games第七单元 接待着急客户Receiving a Worried Customer第八单元 为残疾运动员提供特殊服务Providing Customized Services for Disabled Athletes补充单词Exercise补充阅读资料Supplementary Reading第一单元 解释奥运会门票售票办法-1Explanations about the Olympic Ticketing Policies-1第二单元 解释奥运会门票售票办法-2Explanations about the Olympic Ticketing Policies-2第三单元 奥运英语竞赛Olympic English Contest补充单词Exercise附录Appendix附录一 可兑换外币表Convertible Foreign Currencies附录二 国内外主要银行机构表The Primary Domestic and Foreign Banking InstitutionsKeys