出版时间:2007-6 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:弗里德里克·克拉 页数:443
作者:(美国)弗里德里克·克拉托赫维尔 等 编者:(美国)爱德华·曼斯菲尔德
Introduction Acknowledgments CHAPTER 1 The Presumption of Anarchy HELEN MILNER The Assumption of Anarchy in International Relations Theory A Critique ALEXANDER WENDT Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics FRIEDRICH KRATOCHWlL and JOHN GERARD RUGGIE International Organization: A State of the Art on the Art of the StateCHAPTER 2 International Institutions and the Practice of Cooperation ROBERT O. KEOHANE International Institutions: Two Approaches STEPHEN D. KRASNER Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes as Intervening Variables ERNST B. HAAS Why Collaborate? Issue-linkage and International Regimes FRIEDRICH KRATOCHWlL Politics, Norms, and Peaceful Change: Two Moves to InstitutionsCHAPTER 3 Regimes and Organizational Forms ANNE-MARIE SLAUGHTER Governing the Global Economy Through Government Networks RONALD B. MITCHELL Regime Design Matters: International Oil Pollution and Treaty Compliance MARGARET E. KECK and KATHRYN SIKKINK Transnational Advocacy Networks in International and Regional Politics MICHAEL N. BARNETT and MARTHA FINNEMORE The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International OrganizationsCHAPTER 4 Functions of lOs: Legitimization, Norm Creation,and Sanctions NIS L. CLAUDE, JR. Collective Legitimization as a Political Function of the United Nations " JOHN P. PACE The Development of Human Rights Law in the United Nations,Its Control and Monitoring Machinery DANIEL W. DREZNER Bargaining, Enforcement, and Multilateral Sanctions:When Is Cooperation Counterproductive? JARAT CHOPRA The Space of Peace-MaintenanceCHAPTER 5 International Institutions and the Politics of Expertise ROLE LIDSKOG and GORAN SUNDOVIST The Role of Science in Environmental Regimes: The Case of LRTAP THOMAS RISSE-KAPPEN Ideas Do Not Float Freely: Transnational Coalitions,Domestic Structure, and the End of the Cold War MICHEL DAMIAN and JEAN-CHRISTOPHE GRAZ The World Trade Organization the Environment, and the Ecological Critique JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ Democratizing the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank: Governance and AccountabilityCHAPTER 6 The Challenge of Reclionalism EDWARD D. MANSFIELD and HELEN V. MILNER The New Wave of Regionalism BOB JESSOP Multi-level Governance and Multi-level Metagovernance Changes in the European Union as Integral Movements in the Transformation and Reorientation of Contemporary Statehood J.S.NYE Comparing common Markets: A Revised Neo-Functionalist ModelCHAPTER 7 Transformative Change and Global GovernanceCredits
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