
出版时间:2007  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:Victoria Fromkin,Robert Rodman,Nina Hyams  页数:586  






prdfaceabout the authorspart 1 the nature of human language chapter 1 what is language chapter 2 brain and languagepart 2 grammatical aspects of language chapter 3 morphology:the words of language chapter 4 syntax:the sentence patterns of language chapter 5 the meaning of language chapter 6 phonetics:the sounds of language chapter 7 phonology:the sound patterns of languagepart 3 the psychology of language chapter 8 language acquistion chapter 9 language processing:humans and computerspart 4 language and society chapter 10 language in society chapter 11 language change:the syllables of time chapter 12 writing:the ABCs of language


  BRAIN PLASTICITY AND LATERALrZATION IN EARLY LIFE:  It takes only one hemisphere to have a mind.  A.W.WlfAN.1844  Lateralization of language to the left hemisphere is a process that begins early in life.Wernicke's area is visibly distinctive in the left hemisphere of the fetus by the twenty-sixth gestational week. Infants as young as one week old show a greater electrical response in the left hemisphere to language and in the right hemisphere to music.  Recent work with deaf and hearing babies between the ages of five' and twelve months shows that there is left hemisphere dominance for babbling, an early linguistic function.  Whereas the left hemisphere is innately predisposed to specialize for language,there is also evidence of considerable plasticity (i.e., flexibility) in the system during the early stages of language development. Tlus means that under certain circum stances, the right hemisphere can take over many of the language functions that would normally reside in the left hemisphere. An impressive illustration of plasticity is provided by children who have undergone a procedure known as hemispherec-tomy, in which a henusphere of the brain is surgically removed. This procedure is used to treat otherwise intractable cases of epilepsy. In cases of left hem is pherec to my after language acquisition has begun, children experience an initial period of aphasia and then reacquire a linguistic system that is virtually indistinguishable from that of normal children. They also show many of the development patterns of normal lan-guage acquisition. UCLA professor Susan Curtiss and colleagues have studied many of these children. They hypothesize that the latent lingLustic ability of the right hemisphere is "freed" by the removal of the diseased left hemisphere, which may have had a strong inhibitory effect before the surgery.  In adults, however, surgical removal of the left hemisphere inevitably results in severe loss of the language function (and so is done only in life-threatening circum-stances), whereas adults (and children) who have had their right hemispheres remove dretain their language abilities, although other cognitive losses may result, such as those typically lateralized to the right hemisphere. The plasticity of the brain decreases with age and with the increasing specialization of the different hemispheres and regions of the brain.  Despite strong evidence that the left hemisphere is predetermined to be the lan-guage hemisphere in most humans, some evidence suggests that the right hemisphere plays a role at the earliest stages of language acquisition. Children with prenatal, perinatal, or childhood brain lesions in the right hemisphere can show delays and impair-ments in babbling and vocabulary learning, whereas children with early left hemi-sphere lesions demonstrate impairments in their ability to form phrases and sentences.  Also, many children who undergo right hem is pherec to my do not develop language,even though they still have a left hemisphere.  Various findings converge to show that the human brain is essentially designed to specialize for language in the left hemisphere but that the right hemisphere is involved in early language development. They also show that, under the right circumstances,the brain is remarkably resilient and that if brain damage or surgery occurs early in life, normal left hemisphere functions can be taken over by the right hemisphere.  SPLIiT BRAINS  Persons suffering from intractable epilepsy may be treated by severing communica-tion between their two hemispheres. Surgeons cut through the corpus callosum (see Figure 2.1), the fibrous network that connects the two halves. When this pathway is severed, there is no communication between the "two brains." Such split-brain patients also provide evidence for language lateralization and for understanding con-tralateral brain functions.  The psychologist Michael Gazzaniga states:  With the corpus callosum] intact, the two halves of the body have no secrets from one another. With it sectioned, the two halves become two different con-scious mental spheres, each with its own experience base and control system for behavioral operation……Unbelievable as this may seem, this is the flavor of a long series of experimental studies first carried out in the cat and monkey.  ……


  最全面的语言学导论,已经成为我的案头书。  ——约翰·奥森, 英国伦敦法律语言研究所所长




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  •   虽然学校里语言学课讲得很没意思,可是这本教材还是不错的,看了这本书我宁愿自学。。
  •   看起来价格有点小贵,但是内容真的超好,讲解明了。天津很多学校研究生参考书目,自己本来喜欢语言学,看这本书时间不知不觉就过去了
  •   对学好语言学很有帮助。
  •   经典之作,想对语言学有所了解的必读入门书籍。
  •   老师推荐的语言学入门必备的书..
    非常好~`` 终于买到了 很开心
  •   老师推荐的,学语言学必读之书。
  •   纸质不错 书很重 我们学校研究生用这个教材 语言相对来说简单得多 没有那么晦涩
  •   书很厚,内容很全,书中有漫画,读起来不会很枯燥。虽然是全英的,但较简单,通俗易懂。书中还对其他国家的语言有所涉及,有助于扩展知识。书在最后还将书中的重点条目和词汇整理并做出解释,并指出其在书中的页数,便于查询。书的质量还行。总之,很好,推荐!
  •   书的质量很好,已经在用了,是老师要求买的书,内容和胡壮麟的差不多,语言浅显易懂
  •   这本书能出到第八版,已经是个奇迹,既可用来通读,也可用于参考。
  •   书质量不错 不适合初学者
  •   名字有点枯燥,但内容很有趣,深入浅出
  •   内容很简单,书很好
  •   好厚的一本书,为了考研,加油吧!
  •   恩 书不错正版的哦
  •   如果折扣更大就好咯
  •   正方形的书,很有厚重感,让人一拿到手就想赶快把它看完,一定很有成就感,收藏也不错~就是太大太重了。。
  •   书很不错 只是有点脏 还是很不错啦
  •   经典!!!推荐!!
  •   已经习惯了一买书就**当,书很好,很节省时间,一直支持当当
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  •   挺好,如果再便宜点就好了
  •   一直都缺货缺货……好不容易显示到货之后,我赶在上课之前下了单哇咔咔!貌似到货也没到几本的样子,能抢到手的赶脚真的很不错,是一本不可多得的好书。英文的看上去可能会很吃力,但是认真啃完一定是会有收获的吧!加油~~
  •   据说是一本特别专业的语言学研究的书 老师推荐买的
  •   课程用书,书还算不错,小插图很逗。有中文引言,然后就基本是英文。作为学语言的人来说,应该看,不过都是纯英文啊
  •   说的是十六开的吧?! 忘了 但是书到了 看不出是几开的 快似正方形的摸样, 其他还好 尤其是书的内容 很好啊 幽默风趣 很少有看全英的专业书的时候看到笑出来的时候,所以很怀念看这个书的时期,虽然现在用不到了 你却是我毕业那年不会卖的一本
  •   老师推荐的,还不错,纸张也很好!美中不足的是有点厚,携带不方便
  •   感觉挺有意思 就是有点贵了
  •   书很不错,送货慢了点。
  •   价格合理,正版

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