
出版时间:2007-2  出版社:北京大学  作者:马丁  页数:293  字数:400000  


《语篇研究:跨越小句的意义》由马丁教授和罗斯博士合著,本书是马丁对其《英语语篇:系统和结构》(English Text:systern and Structure)的发展和应用,是篇章语义学研究的又一力作。     本书将系统功能语言学中较晦涩的理论“平民化”,对一些难懂的术语作了深入浅出的解释和例析。书中所采用的语料包括多种语类,如故事、议论和立法。本书最大的贡献是作者提出的分析语篇的五种视角,即评价(Appralsal)、概念(Ideatiorl)、联结Connection)、识别(Icierltlflcation)和篇章格律(Periodicity),并在第七章里将这五种视角综合运用于分析南非前总统曼德拉自传最后一章。     本书充分体现和发展了韩礼德的系统功能语言学思想,将语篇分析从词汇语法层上升到大语篇层。本书言简意赅,逻辑严谨,提供的方法易于操作,是一部不可多得的语篇分析指导用书。


List of FiguresList of TablesPreface1 Interpreting sociai discourse  1.1 An invitation  1.2 A framework for discussion  1.3 Genre  1.4 Language, power and ideology  1.5 How this book is organized  1.6 Howoto use this book2 Appraisal: negotiating attitudes  2.1 Negotiating attitudes  2.2 Kinds of attitudes  2.3 Amplifying attitudes  2.4 Sources of attitudes  2.5 Prosody and genre  2.6 More detail on kinds of attitudes3 Ideation: representing experience  3.1 Representing experience  3.2 Sequences of meanings  3.3 Doing: focusing on activities  3.4 Being: focusing on entities  3.5 Classifying and describing within elements  3.6 Ways of participating  3.7 Building up a picture: taxonomic relations  3.8 Types of taxonomic relations  3.9 Re-construing experience: ideational metaphor4 Conjunction: connecting events  4.1 The logic of discourse  4.2 Four kinds of logic  4.3 Connecting arguments  4.4 Continuatives  4.5 Countering our expectations  4.6 Conjunction resources in full  4.7 Displaying connections: conjunction analysis  4.8 Logical metaphor5 Identification: tracking participants  5.1 Keeping track  5.2 Who's who? identifying people  5.3 What's what? identifying things  5.4 Where to look?  5.5 Tracking and genre  5.6 Identification systems in full6 Periodicty: information flow  6.1 Waves of information  6.2 Little waves: Themes and News  6.3 Bigger waves: hyperThemes and hyperNews  6.4 Tidal waves: macroThemes, macroNews, and beyond  6.5 How texts grow: hierarchies and series  6.6 Hard reading  6.7 A note on headings  6.8 Texture: phasing discourse systems7 Tackling a text  7.1 Getting going  7.2 Outside-in  7.3 Inside-out  7.4 Inauguration Day: from past to present  7.5 Cost of Courage: from domination to freedom  7.6 Meaning of Freedom: from self to community  7.7 Reprise8 Connections  8.1 Context: register and genre  8.2 Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA)  8.3 Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)  8.4 Data  8.5 EnvoiAppendix: Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation ActReferencesIndex




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