出版时间:2007-1 出版社:北京大学 作者:吴中伟 页数:86
Intended for English-speaking learners, these Chinese teaching materials are designed to develop the learners' ability to listen, speak, read and write, as well as the ability to communicate in social settings. Exercise Book (Vols.1-4):These exercises are comprehensive, and from easy to difficult, the exercises are designed to meet the need of learners with different skill-levels. Cassette tapes and video tapes are also available to accompany the textbooks.
第一课 我以前养过鸟儿第二课 她去医院了第三课 他们是什么时候来的?第四课 今天你穿的镇漂亮第五课 我家乡的天气比这儿好第六课 我老家在东北第七课 我学过半年汉语第八课 火车票卖完了第九课 现在就可以搬进去第十课 我恐怕听不懂第十一课 我把钱包忘在车上了第十二课 差点儿让汽车撞了一下