
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:帕夫利克  页数:178  字数:291000  


Hot Toics is guaranteed to engage readers stimulate thinking and provoke conversation while developing vocabulary and reading skills The controversial topics explored in the text all have more than one side to them thus encouraging debate and classroom interaction.        The Instructor s Manual supports Hot Topics1-3through:    Teaching notes with additional classroom and internet activities.    Answer keys.    Video scrips and video clip summaries.    Theme and chapter summaries.    Cultural and historical background information.    Audio tracking for each reading.    Online activites and support materisals for teachers and students avaliable at elt thomson com/hottopics.


CONTENTS:Hot Topics1  Contents:Hot Topics1  Contents:Hot Topics2  Contents:Hot Topics3  To the Teacher(with additional notes about the lnstructor s Manual)  Chapter1  Pampered Pets:Love me?Love my dog!  Chapter2  Silly Sports:Can you really call this a sport?  Chapter3  Modern Marriage:until death do us part?  Chapter4  Shopping:The new drug of choice  Chapter5  Las Vegas:Sin City  Chapter6  Shoplifting:Why is the price tag still on your hat?  Chapter7  Gluttony:You are what you eat!  Chapter8  Get-Rich-Quick Scams:Have I got a deal for YOU!  Chapter9  Sports Doping:Does it matter if you win or lose?  Chapter10  White-Collar Crime:When ALOT just isn t enough!  Chapter11  The Homeless:It s not their choice  Chapter12  Beauty Contests:The business of beauty  Chapter13  Drug Treds:Legal but Lethal  Chapter14  Nature:Paradise Lost-Can we get it back?CONTENTS:Hot Topics2  Chapter1  Reality TV:Would you be a survivor?  Chapter2  Violence in Sports:When is a game not a game?  Chapter3  Advertising:We know what you want before you do!  Chapter4  Fashion:you mean you re wearing THAT?  Chapter5  Work:Is it interfering with your life?  Chapter6  Internet Dating:Is this really YOUR photo?  Chapter7  Anger:I m not angry!You re angry!  Chapter8  Psychics:What do they know that we dont?  Chapter9  Beauty:Mirror on the wall  Chapter10  Lying:What s THAT on your resume?  Chapter11  Intelligence:How important is it?  Chapter12  Graffiti:You call this ART?  Chapter13  CHild Labor:Who made your sneakers?  Chapter14  Infidelity:Our cheating heartsCONTENTS:Hot Topics3  ……



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