出版时间:2007-4 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:艾伯特·海德 编 页数:608
自20世纪80年代恢复以来,行政管理学在我国经历了十多年的摸索和积累期,世纪之交终于呈现出飞跃式发展的态势:行政管理学博士点相继设立,公共管理获得一级学科的地位,公共管理专业硕士学位(MPA)教育开始启动且发展迅猛,开设行政管理本科专业的大专院校达到130家,公共事业管理本科专业则突破了300家,加上党校、行政学院公共管理教研机构的大量设立,说公共管理是2l世纪初我国发展最迅猛的学科并不夸张。 学科飞跃式发展的另一重要标志是新领域的开拓和知识的积累及其快速更新。国家自然科学基金委员会对与宏观管理相关的117种外文期刊进行的文献计量研究表明:“公共管理理论与方法是1994—2004年间国外关注最多的领域。其中,有关公共管理基本理论与方法的论文数占到了全部论文总量的44.6%。”对中国期刊网77种核心期刊的文献计量学分析的结果显示,“自1994年至2003年的十年间,关于公共管理基本理论与方法方面的论文增长迅速,从1994年的554篇,上升到2003年的1934篇,增幅达到3倍以上”。但在总量上仅占全部论文总量的4.59%,与国外的同类研究相比呈现出明显的差距(国家自然科学基金会管理科学部:《宏观管理与政策学科“十一五”发展战略研究报告》)。 系统了解和追踪国外的新理论和新方法,并在批判的基础上加以消化和吸收,是学科知识积累和更新的重要环节之一。进入21世纪后,我国对西方公共管理著作的翻译出版结束了零星分散的状态,呈现出系统化和细分化同时并进的势头。中国人民大学出版社的《公共行政与公共管理经典译丛》和《公共政策经典译丛》,华夏出版社的《政治学与行政管理学译丛》,上海三联书店的《制度分析与公共政策译丛》,中国青年出版社的《公共管理译丛》等,都对学科发展和政府管理现代化产生了积极的影响。北京大学出版社《公共管理学经典教材原版影印丛书》的出版值得庆贺! 原版书的系列化出版对学科发展的意义至少有以下方面:(1)有助于研究者外语能力的普遍提高。长期以来,阅读外文图书对我国学者来说近乎一种特权,纵有毅力和热情,但难以承受的价格、少得可怜的存本或繁琐的借阅程序令人望而却步。影印原版书无疑有助于克服这一障碍。(2)推动翻译出版的规范化和翻译质量的持续提高。许多学者谈到这样的经历:阅读译文时怎么也不明白的东西,翻阅原著就清楚了。这固然和不同语言之间的“通约度”有关,也不能否认翻译质量的参差不齐。在原版书“稀缺”的情况下,翻译质量的同行评价和监督机制会因为“信息不对称”而失灵,影印原版书在这方面将大有裨益。
本教材是美国政府实施预算财政以来,关于政府预算的理论和实践的经典文章的汇集。书中重点讨论了四大问题:预算理论发展的历史,也即预算改革的思想脉络;预算与政府内部的关系;作为民主的手段预算是如何发挥作用的;预算的体系及其管理。每个问题都有详实的背景介绍。 本书篇幅宏大,总共43篇文章,堪称经典与现代的完美结合,它向学生介绍了公共预算理论的历史和现代的基础。其中有14篇是本版新增篇目,它们代表了公共预算的发展趋势。在本书的附录部分特别增补了斯坦利·柯林德的《作为第二种语言的联邦预算》和美国国会预算办公室的《公共预算的长期展望》,它们是理解公共预算的不可估量的基础读本。
PrefacePart Ⅰ The Development of Budgeting and Budget Theory:The Threads of Budget Reform 1 Evolution of the Budget Idea in the United States 2 The Movement for Budgetary Reform in the States 3 The lack of a Budgetary Theory 4 Toward a Theory of Budgeting 5 Political Implications of Budgetary Reform 6 The Road to PPB:The Stages of Budget Reform 7 The Continuing Need forB udget Reform 8 Budget Theory and Budget Practice:How Good the Fit? 9 Processes,Policies,and Power:Budget Reform 10 Strategic Budgeting 11 Political Implications of Budget Reform:A Retrospective 12 The Evolution of Federal Budgeting:From Surplus to Deficit to SurplusPart Ⅱ Budgeting and Intragovernmental Relations:An Instrument for Correlating legislative and Executive Action 13 The Power of the Purse:Congressional Participation 14 The First Decade of the Congressional Budget Act:legislative Imitation and Adaptation in Budgeting 15 Deficit Politics and Constitutional Govemment:The Impact of Gramm-Rudman-Hollings 16 Courts and Public Purse Strings:Have Portraits of Budgeting Missed Something? 17 The Executive Budget:An Idea Whose Time Has Passed 18 Mission,Driven,Results,Oriented Budgeting:Fiscai Administration and the New Public Management 19 Biennial Budgeting in the Federal Govemment 20 The Federal line—Item Veto:What Is It and What Will It Do? 21 State Item-Veto legal Issues in the l990sPart Ⅲ Budgeting,Economics,and Popular Control:An Instrument of Democracy 22 Why the Government Budget Is Too Small in a Democracy 23 Why Does Govemment Grow? 24 A Reflection on Bureaucracy and Representative Govemment 25 Participatory Democracy and Budgeting:The Effects of Proposition l3 26 Common Issues for Voucher Programs 27 The Growing Fiscal and Economic Importance of Stateand l0cal Govemments 28 lessons for the Future 29 The Fiscal Agenda of the States to the Year 2000 30 A Theoretical Analysis of the Case for a Balanced Budget Amendment 31 The Federal Budget and the Nation's Economic Health 32 Debunking the Conventional Wisdom in Economic Policy 33 How Big Is the Prospective Budget Surplus?Part Ⅳ Budgeting Systems and Management:AnInstrument for Securing Administrative Efficiency and Economy 34 Performance Budgeting in Government 35 What Program Budgeting Is and Is Not 36 Planning and Budgeting:Who's on First? 37 Introduction to Zero-Base Budgeting 38 Organizational Decline and Cutback Management 39 Govemmental Financial Management at The Crossroads:The Choice IS Between Reactive and Proactive Financial Management 40 Using Performance Measures for Federal Budgeting:Proposals and Prospects 41 Implementing PBB:Conflicting Views of Success 42 Activity-Based Costing in Government:Possibilities and Pitfalls 43 Budget Issues:Effective Oversight and Budget Discipline Are Essential-Even in a Time of SurplusAppendix A The Federal Budget as a Second language Stanley CollenderAppendix B The long-Term Budget Outlook Report 0f the U.S.Congressional Budget Office
The Development of Budgeting and Budget Theory: The Threads of Budget Reform Budgets are not merely affairs of arithmetic, but in a thousand ways go to the root of pros¬perity for individuals, the relation of classes, and the strength of kingdoms.—Gladstone Budgeting is, and always has been, the single most important decision-making process in any governmental organization. The budget itself is a government's most important reference doc¬ument. In their increasingly voluminous and complex formats, budgets simultaneously record policy decision outcomes; cite policy priorities as well as program goals and objectives; delineate government's total service effort; and measure its performance, impact, and overall effectiveness. The Dimensions of Budgeting A public budget has four basic dimensions. First, it is a political instrument that allocates scarce public resources among the social and economic needs of a jurisdiction. Second, a bud¬get is a managerial or administrative instrument, or both. It specifies the ways and means of providing public programs and services; it establishes the costs or criteria or both by which activities are evaluated for their efficiency and effectiveness. It is the budgeting process that ensures that all the programs and activities of a jurisdiction will be reviewed or evaluated at least once during each year (or cycle). Third, a budget is an economic instrument that directs a nation's, a state's, and even a municipality's economic growth, its investments, and its development. At the national, state, and regional levels, government budgets are primary instruments for evaluating redistribution of income, stimulating economic growth and devel¬opment, promoting full employment, combating inflation, and maintaining economic stabil¬ity. Fourth, a budget is an accounting (now called simply financial management) instrument that holds government officials responsible for both the expenditures and revenues of the pro¬grams with which they have been entrusted and that informs the public of a government's fis¬cal integrity and discipline. Over the past decade, it has become more and more apparent that the interconnections of these dimensions are vital. For example, the premise of the financial management dimension is to hold governments accountable in the aggregate. After all, the basic concept of a budget implies that a ceiling or a spending limitation exists, which literally requires governments to live within their means. Yet, the pervasive and decades-old federal budget deficit might lead one to ask how the very instrument designed to ensure balanced spending and funding deci¬sions came to be viewed as the major force in wrecking that balance. It was not for lack of effort. Since the late 1970s, Congress and six presidents from Nixon to Clinton have waged veritable budget warfare over controlling spending and changing taxes