
出版时间:2006-6  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:唐丽萍  页数:283  字数:335000  






前言PrefaceAcknowledgementsAbstractChapter 1 Introduction  1.1 Rationales for the present research    1.1.1 Educational rationale    1.1.2 Linguistic rationale   1.2 Aims of the present research  1.3 Methodology of the present research  1.4 Organization of the bookChapter 2 Literature Review  2.1 Introduction  2.2 The general historical context of globalization  2.3 Philosophical foundations    2.3.1 Critical Theory    2.3.2 Postmodernism/Poststructuralism    2.3.3 Postcolonialism    2.3.4 Summary  2.4 Pedagogical application 1 : Critical Literacy    2.4.1 Evolving definitions of literacy    2.4.2 Clarification for Critical Thinking and Critical Literacy    2.4.3 Two key approaches to Critical Literacy    2.4.4 Summary  2.5 Pedagogical application 2. Intercultural Communication    2.5.1 Evolving definitions of culture    2.5.2 Mainstream pedagogy    2.5.3 Critical pedagogy    2.5.4 Summary  2.6 Critical appraisal of implications for Chinese TEFL reform    2.6.1 Particular local Chinese context    2.6.2 Limited literature of critical approaches to TEFL    2.6.3 Implications for Chinese TEFL reformChapter 3 A Proposed Model for the Present Study  3.1 Introduction  3.2 Theoretical foundations for the proposed model    3.2.1 Critical Discourse Analysis    3.2.2 Theories of intersubjectivity    3.2.3 Systemic Functional Linguistics and APPRAISAL theory    3.2.4 Summary  3.3 A proposed model for the present study  3.4 Research design    3.4.1 Research questions    3.4.2 A qualitative approach to discourse analysis    3.4.3 Data collection and selection  3.5 SummaryChapter 4 Naturalizing Readers  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Naturalization by ATTITUDE positioning    4.2.1 CATEGORY    4. 2.2 MODE    4.2.3 BIAS    4.2.4 Summary  4.3 Naturalization by ENGAGEMENT positioning    4.3.1 MONOGLOSSIA    4.3.2 DIALOGIC CONTRACTION    4.3.3 DIALOGIC EXPANSION    4.3.4 Summary  4.4 Sample analysis of two full texts    4.4.1 A sample of a comment    4.4.2 A sample of a news report  4.5 SummaryChapter 5 Actual Readings  5.1 Introduction  5.2 Introducing a methodological concept --"stimulus"  5.3 Letter dialogues to Text 4.4    5.3.1 Possible stimuli to be picked up by participants A--E    5.3.2 Data: Sample analysis    5.3.3 Statistical analysis    5.3.4 Discussion    5.3.5 Summary  5.4 Letter dialogues to Text 4.6    5.4.1 Possible stimuli taken up by participants @F--J    5.4.2 Data: Sample analysis    5.4.3 Statistical analysis    5.4.4 Discussion    5.4.5 Summary  5.5 Pedagogical implications    5.5.1 Critical intercultural awareness    5.5.2 APPRAISAL as critical analytical tools    5.5.3 EFL education as empowering practicesChapter 6 Conclusion  6.1 Major findings of the present study  6.2 Major contributions of the present study  6.3 Limitations and further studiesAppendices  Appendix A: Media texts  Appendix B: Letter dialogues to Text 4.4  Appendix C: Letter dialogues to Text 4.6Bibliography




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