出版时间:2006-8 出版社:北京大学 作者:马爱华 页数:414
《英语散文选读》是高等院校英语专业教材,也可作为社会上英语爱好者自学之用。编者以独特的视角,精选了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、D.H.劳伦斯、伯特兰·罗素、乔森纳·斯威夫特等不同历史时期的四十位西方著名作家、学者的名篇全文和节选,内容涉及文学、艺术、历史、社会、宗教和日常生活等诸多方面,所选作品老到深邃与机智活泼兼收、简洁朴实与华丽堂皇并举,堪称思想性和艺术性兼而有之的上乘佳作,英语学习者和爱好者可从中管窥精深博大的西方文明思想。 全书分为18个单元,各单元文章主题力求相关,旨在为学习者提供不同视角,以扩展思维和想象;作者介绍和词句注释详细贴切,为读者的理解和鉴赏补充了大量背景知识;课内讨论问题和写作任务,加强读者的语言技能,引导读者思考,提高读者的文学鉴赏能力;词汇训练和阅读在扩大读者词汇量和阅读量的同时,为读者的进一步学习打下坚实的基础……
Unit1 TextA My Wood TextB The Crooked StreetsUnit2 TextA On a Faithful Friend TextB The Ant-LionUnit3 TextA Film Making TextB The Natrue of Dramatic IllusiolnUnit4 TextA Meditation on the Moon TextB The Faces of BuddhaUnit5 TextA Snow TextB This Auturmn MorningUnit6 TextA Seeing People off TextB The Shadow in the Rose GardenUnit7 TextA On Arrivals TextB On DoorsUnit8 TextA French and English TextB The English and the AmericansUnit9 TextA The Pleasures of Ignorance TextB The Pleasures of IngoranceUnit10 TextA A Hanging TextB The Ecstasy of WarUnit11 TextA The Inner Ring TextB On Being Modern-MindedUnit12 TextA Why We Fall in Love TextB My Own Ten Rules for a Happy MarriageUnit13 TextA Of Great Pace TextB A Little Great Man Unit14 TextA The Spider and the Bee TextB Old China Unit15 TextA Getting up on Cold Mornings TextB Company of the Wisest MenUnit16 TextA In July TextB The Town WeekUnit17 TextA The Convalescent TextB A Country SundayUnit18 TextA Conversation TextB Letter to His Son