出版时间:2006-7 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:Kirszner,Mandell 页数:763
随着第一版的面世,柯斯兹纳和芒代尔编写的《文学:阅读、反应、写作》为各个层次的学生揭开了文学的神秘面纱,使文学成为了他们生活的一部分。现在第五版的《文学:阅读、反应、写作》(小说卷)收录了更多的当代作家和名著精粹,并随书附赠《Literature in the 21st Century》CD-ROM,将文学经典领出了文学象牙塔,领进了学生的日常生活。 由美国著名学者柯斯兹纳和芒代尔编写、汤姆森公司出版的《文学:阅读、反应、写作》的小说卷,是一部很好的英语文学入门教材。它的观念时新,内容丰富,文学作品和文学理论有机结合,文学欣赏和文学研究紧密相连,生动活泼,深入浅出,对于学生培养文学兴趣,消除文学欣赏的神秘感,打好文学研究的基础,是非常有益的。
Preface xlUnderstanding Literature 1Reading and Writing about Literature 15FICTIONUnderstanding Fiction 43Reading and Writing about Fiction 57Plot 82Character 121Setting 171Point of View 222Style, Tone, and Language 276Symbol and Allegory 330Theme 381Charlotte Perkins Gilmans "The Yellow Wallpaper":A Casebook for Reading, Research, and Writing 445Joyce Carol Oatess "Where Are You Going, Where HaveYou Been?": A Casebook for Reading, Research, and Writing 492Fiction for Further Reading 541Authors and Titles Index / 1Index of Literary Terms 114PhotosPOETRYUnderstanding Poetry 767Discovering Themes in Poetry 775Reading and Writing about Poetry 801Voice 822Word Choice, Word Order 865Imagery 897Figures of Speech 916Sound 948Form 976Symbol, Allegory, Allusion, Myth 1012The Poetry of Emily Dickinson: A Casebookfor Reading, Research, and Writing 1039The Poetry of Langston Hughes: A Casebookfor Reading, Research, and Writing 1098Poetry for Further Reading 1149Biographical Sketches of Selected Poets 1256Index of First Lines of Poetry I1Authors and Titles Index 15Index of Literary Terms 118PhotosDRAMAUnderstanding Drama 1289Reading and Writing about Drama 1316Plot 1336Character 1457Staging 1638Theme 1766Tennessee Williamss The Glass Menagerie:A Casebook for Reading, Research, and Writing 1904William Shakespeares Hamlet. A Casebook forReading, Research, and Writing 2000WRITING ABOUT LITERATUREThree Special Writing Assignments 2143Writing a Research Paper 2165Using Literary Criticism in Your Writing 2195Writing Essay Exams about Literature 2220Appendix: Literary History: From Aristotle to the Present 2229Glossary of Literary Terms G1Credits C IAuthors and Titles Index I 1Index of Literary Terms 114Photos