
出版时间:2006-7  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:谢里尔·帕夫利克  页数:205  译者:贾卫国  


Hot Topic s is guaranteed t。engage readers,stimulate thinking,and provoke conversation while developingvocabulary and reading skills.The controversial topicsexplored in the text all have more than one side to them,thus encouraging debate and classroom interaction.    ●Three readings per chapter explore the same hot topicfrom different points of view.The readings in each chapter vary by genre and increase in difficulty to support reading development.    ●A focus on reading skills and reading comprehension through pre—reading questions,skimming and scanning activties,lhe use of context clues,vocabulary analysis.and the development of critical thinking skills helps students increase their reading fluency.    ●Open-ended questions at the end of every chapter encourage students to voice their opinions and defend their viewpoints either through discussion or in writing.


ContentsTo the TeacherAcknowledgmentsPhoto Cred itsChapter 1 The Cruelty of Strangers:Who can you trust?Chapter 2 Crime and Punishment:Jusdce for aJl?Chapter 3 Fertility Now:Babies by designChapter 4 Gambng:Wanna’bet?Chapter 5 The Disabled:Handicapped?Not us!Chapter 6 Marriage:Why marry just one?Chapter 7 Prostitution:Looking for a good time?Chapter 8 Education:Is cvc/~o[1e cheating?Chapter 9 Gender:Are women weak?Are men necessary?Chapter 10 Immigration:Is it time tO shut the door?Chapter 11 Business:Globalization or cultural imperialism?Chapter 12 Sex Education:How much do we need tO know?Chapter 13 Cults:Path to God or somewhere else?Chapter 14 Strange Brains:Unlocking the secretsAppendix    CNN Video Activities



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  •   这本书的光盘质量不是一般的差,CD盘面不平,如果是吸入式的光驱,进去了就出不来了,我就吃了这个亏。书总体来书,可读性还行,但是整体适合大一水平
  •   CNN的资料通常都有一定深度,如果是英语程度在中等偏上,使用这本资料收获会更大

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