出版时间:2006-7 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:魏莉霞、周峰/国别:中国大陆 页数:186
本书为高职高专院校国际经济与贸易、国际商务及商务英语等专业“国际商务函电”课程的教材,按照涉外商务的各个过程分模块逐一介绍国际商务业务所涉及信函的写作要领和写作技巧,采取范文举例和写作实践相结合的方式进行系统的讲解,并联系实际加入函电写作实训的环节,形式新颖,内容丰富,条理清晰。 本书不仅适合教学需要,而且可供从事相关工作的人员作为商务函电写作的参考资料,可以根据个人工作需要有针对性地选择相关信函,按照信函范文模式,改变具体内容,从而快捷有效地写出高质量的国际商务函电。
Part 1 Layout of Busines Letter Writing 1.1 Layout of Business Letters 1.2 Format of Business Letters 1.3 Addressing an Envelope 1.4 General Procedures and Outline forBusiness Letter Writing(写信的基本步骤和框架)Part 2 General Business Letters 2.1 Name Card 2.2 Letter of Invitation 2.3 Invitation Card 2.4 Leters of ThanksPart 3 Business Letters in International Trade 3.1 Negotiation of the Contract 3.1.1 Establishment of Business Relations 3.1.2 Enquiries and Replies 3.1.3 Offers and Counter Offers 3.1.4 Sales Promotion Supplement A Specimen of a Sales Contract 3.2 Execution of the Contract 3.2.1 Terms of Payment 3.2.2 Establishment of and Amendment to L/C Supplement Letter of Credit 3.2.3 Packing and Shipment 3.2.4 Insurance 3.2.5 Complaints and Claims 3.2.6 Agency 3.2.7 Invitation to Bid and Submit to Bid 3.2.4 AppendixKey to the exercses参考文献联编学校名单