
出版时间:2005-5  出版社:北京大学  作者:[美]韦恩·卡肖[W  页数:588  字数:620000  




作者:(美国)卡肖(Cascio,W.) (美国)阿格尼斯(Aguinis ,H.)


CHAPTER 1  Organizations, Work, and Applied Psychology  At a Glance  The Pervasiveness of Organizations     Differences in Jobs    Differences in Performance    A Utopian Ideal    Point of View  Personnel Psychology in Perspective    The Changing Nature of Product and Service Markets    Effects of Technology on Organizations and People    Changes in the Structure and Design of Organizations    The Changing Role of the Manager    The Empowered Worker--No Passing Fad    Implications for Organizations and Their People  Plan of the Book    Discussion QuestionsCHAPTER 2  The Law and Human Resource Management  At a Glance  The Legal System  Unfair Discrimination: What Is It?  Legal Framework for Civil Rights Requirements  The U.S. Constitution--Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments  The Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1871  Equal Pay for Equal Work Regardless of Sex    Equal Pay Act of 1963    Equal Pay for Jobs of Comparable Worth  Equal Employment Opportunity    The Civil Rights Act of 1964    Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Race, Color, Religion,    Sex, or National Origin    Apprenticeship Programs, Retaliation, and Employment Advertising    Suspension of Government Contracts and Back-Pay Awards    Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications (BFOQs)    Seniority Systems    Pre-emplovment Inquiries    Testing    Preferential Treatment    Veterans' Preference Rights    National Security  Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967  The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986  The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990    The Civil Rights Act of 1991    The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993  Executive Orders 11246, 11375, and 11478  The Rehabilitation Act of 1973  Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA )of 1994  Enforcement of the Laws-- Regulatory Agencies    State Fair Employment Practices Commissions    Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)    Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)  Judicial Interpretation--General Principles    Testing    Personal History    Sex Discrimination    Age Discrimination    "English Only" Rules--National Origin Discrimination?    Seniority    Preferential Selection    Discussion QuestionsCHAPTER 3  People, Decisions, and the Systems Approach    44  At a Glance  Utility Theory-- A Way of Thinking    Organizations as Systems  A Systems View of the Employment Process    Job Analysis and Job Evaluation    Workforce Planning    Recruitment    Initial Screening    Selection    Training and Development    Performance Management    Organizational Exit    Discussion QuestionsChapter 4  Criteria: Concepts, Measurement, and Evaluation  At a Glance  Definition  Job Performance as a Criterion  Dimensionality of Criteria    Static Dimensionality    Dynamic or Temporal Dimensionality    Individual Dimensionality  ……Chapter 5 Performance ManagementChapter 6 Measuring and Interpreting Individual DifferencesChapter 7 Validation and Use of Individual Differences MeasuresChapter 8 Fairness in Employment DecisionsChapter 9 Analyzing Jobs and WordChapter 10 Strategic Workforce PlanningChapter 11 RecruitmentChapter 12 Initial ScreeningChapter 13 Decision Making for SelectionChapter 14 Managerial SelectionChapter 15 Training and Development:Considerations in DesignChapter 16 Training and Development:Implementation and the Measurement of OutcomesChapter 17 International Dimensions of Applied PsychologyChapter 18 Ethical Issues in Human Resource ManagementAPPENDIX A—Scientific and Legal Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures-Checklists for ComplianceAPPENDIX B—An Overvoew of Correlation and Linear RegressionAPPENDIX C—Decision Trees for Statistical Methods






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  •   内容很丰富 而且很实用
  •   不错,有启发
  •   满意,英文版,要好好读读
  •   书我给5分,开始看着还行,但能力有限,看到后面就力不从心了,后悔当初没学好啊。。。。。
  •   比较系统,文字通俗,最后一章较难
  •   买来自己看,确实性价比很高,向打大家推荐当当,。
  •   this book is useful to me
  •   以人力资源的各模块作为切入口说明心理学的应用,有一定专业性的专业性。
  •   大概翻阅了一下书的内容,里面有一些数据统计方面的东西,应该具有较强的操作性
  •   英文版,需要好好的研读!很喜欢
  •   全英的。。。没毅力的同学慎买了。。
  •   这本书不错,性价比好,建议购买
  •   不方便不方便啊~
  •   此为英文原版
  •   想找本HR相关的中文版心理书籍,又是英文版,非常无语。已退。
  •   如有中文版,那就好了,呵,这本书我退货了
  •   发货速度很快!我在深圳,第二天早上就收到货了,当时是宅急送发的。书不像想象中的英文原版书籍,没有很多实例,理论性较浓,比较适合有英文基础、心理学和人力资源管理基础的人扩大知识面,不适合初学者。不够总体还是人力资源管理的知识多一点,心理学的知识体现不是很明显。可能在后面,我还没有看完,呵呵。总体讲还可以,挺厚的。
  •   很不错的一本书,还能提速英语阅读能力。

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