
出版时间:2005-1  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:都宁  页数:242  字数:420000  


  本教材为了适应时代的发展和英语教学的需要而编写,供高等院校英语专业学生使用,也适合成人教育学院、民办院校、广播电视大学、远程教育英语专业学生及自考生和广大英语自学者使用。  本教材以《高等院校英语专业学习大纲》和交际话题的难易为依据,以功能意念为线索,融功能意念于交际之中,以日常生活中经常使用的话题为重点。在编写中努力体现听说结合、难度阶梯化的方式,选材注重实用性和趣味性相结合,贴近生活,体现时代特色。本教材借鉴了许多国外最新的口语资料,结合中国口语教学的实际情况,在编写练习的过程中,注重引导和启发,力求形式多样,内容充实,引导学生从模仿练习开始逐渐过渡到自己能够自然流畅地表达。全套教材共分4册,一、二册目标在于帮助学员打好口语基础,三、四册则侧重于培养学员的交流技巧,如公共演讲技巧、研讨谈判技巧等。每册16单元,配有录音带。


1 Modern Lives  1.1 Modern Technology and Modern Life  1.2 Modern Cities and Modern Life  1.3 Modern People and Modern Syndrome  1.4 Modern Lifestyles  1.5 Tapescripts and Keys2 Housing  2.1 Sustainable Development of Housing  2.2 Modern Methods of Construction  2.3 The Department of Housing and Urban Development "'"  2.4 A Place of Refuge in Baytown  2.5 Tapescripts and Keys3 Romance  3.1 Start a Mass Dating Campaign  3.2 Happy Valentine's Day  3.3 Wedding  3.4 Marriage  3.5 Tapescripts and Keys4 Historical Figures  4.1 Peace Makers  4.2 lndustry Giants  4.3 Great Masters  4.4 World Champions  4.5 Tapescripts and Keys5 Life in the Future  5.1 Duplicated People  5.2 Future Life Assumptions  5.3 Future Activities  5.4 Plan for Future  5.5 Tapescripts and Keys6 Exotic Travel  6.1 European Travel Skills  6.2 Attractions in USA  6.3 Tips for Smart European Travel  6.4 Plan Your Travel in USA  6.5 Tapescripts and Keys7 Holidays & Celebrations  7.1 Holidays round the Year  7.2 Tips on Holidays  7.3 Happy Mother's Day  7.4 Happy Holidays  7.5 Tapescripts and Keys8 Animals  8.1 Animals in Danger  8.2 Animal Protection  8.3 Pets  8.4 Animals and People  8.5 Tapescripts and Keys9 Strange Stories  9.1 Extraterrestrial Life  9.2 Chinese Ghost Culture  9.3 Unexplained Mysteries  9.4 Beyond Bizarre  9.5 Tapescripts and Keys10 The Internet  10.1 Introducing the Internet  10.2 Is the Internet Dead for Independent Musicians?  10.3 Hackers and Internet Security  10.4 Online Education  10.5 Tapescripts and Keys11 Entertainment  11.1 Leisure-Time Activities  11.2 Home Entertainments  11.3 Artistic Entertainments ……12 Personality13 Beauty & Fashion14 Health & Fitness15 Landscape16 Weather & Climate




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