出版时间:2004-10 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:(英)约翰·斯托里 页数:237
In writing the third edition I have sought to improve and to expand the material in the first two editions of this book. To achieve this I have revised and I have rewritten; much more extensively than in the second edition. I have also added new material to most of the chapters (the book has grown from a first edition of around 65,000 words to a third edition in excess of 100,000 words). This is most evident in the renamed, and reorganised, Chapter 6, where I have added a new section on Queer Theory, and where I have extended the section on Reading Womens Magazines. Perhaps the most visible change is the addition of illustrations, and the inclusion of a list of web sites useful to the student of cultural theory and popular culture.
第一章 什么是通俗文化?第二章 文化和文明传统第三章 文化主义第四章 结构主义和后结构主义第五章 马克思主义流派第六章 性别和性第七章 后现代主义第八章 通俗文化的政治性Preface to First EditionPreface to Second EditionPreface to Third EditionAcknowledgements1 What is Popular Culture? Culture Ideology Popular Culture Popular Culture as Other Further Reaking2 The Culture and Civilization'Tradition Matthew Arnold Leavisism Mass Culture in America:the Post-war Debate The Culture of Other People Further Reading3 Culturalism Richard Hoggart:The Uses of Literacy Raymond Williams:The Analysis of Culture' E.P.Thompson:The Making of the English Working Class Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel:The Popular Arts The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies Fufther Reading4 Structuralism and Post-structuralism Ferdinand de Saussure Claude Levi-Strauss,Will Wright and the American Western Roland Barthes:Mythologies Post-Structuralism Jacques Derrida Jacques Lacan Discourse and Power:Michel Foucault and Edward Said Further Reading5 Marxisms6 Gender and Sexuality7 Postmodernism8 The Politics of the PopularJournals on Cultural Theory and Popular CultureCultural Theory and Popular Culture Web SitesNotesIndex