
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:张廷国 编  页数:301  字数:465000  


本书是全国高职高专公共英语教材系列之一。本套教材采用两种教程平行的教学结构,这行分级制。全套教材分四级共八本,可供不同程度的学生选用。    《基础英语教程》(4)在吸取“语法—翻译法”教学优点、注重培养学生语言基本功的基础上,更加注重语言基本技能的培养与训练。全书共15个单元,每单元分精读、语法与翻译、阅读练习三部分,以读为中心展开,包括词汇、语法、翻译等教学内容。各部分围绕《基本要求》规定的教学内容与任务展开教学活动。本书选材新颖,贴近生活与时代时代,是广大高职高专学生和英语学习者的理想教材。


Unit 1 Language and culture   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 2 Human Society  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 3 Polictics and History  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 4 Literature   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 5 People and Nature   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 6 Art   Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 7 Computer  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 8 The Media  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 9 International Relations  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 10 Business and Trade  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 11 Family and Ethics  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 12 Employment  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 13 Education  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 14 Science and Technology  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast ReadingUnit 15 Environment  Section One Intensive Reading  Section Two Reading and Writing Practice  Section Three Fast Reading



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