
出版时间:2004-10  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:李健 编  页数:173  




基础英语教程(3)上  Unit one foreign language learning     pratⅠ Intensive reading    pratⅡ reading practice    pratⅢ teys to exercises    pratⅣ translation of the passages  Unit tow world trade oragnization    pratⅠ Intensive reading    pratⅡ reading practice    pratⅢ teys to exercises    pratⅣ translation of the passages  Unit three the olympic games    pratⅠ Intensive reading    pratⅡ reading practice    pratⅢ teys to exercises    pratⅣ translation of the passages  Unit four energy pesources    pratⅠ Intensive reading    pratⅡ reading practice    pratⅢ teys to exercises    pratⅣ translation of the passages  Unit five modern communication    pratⅠ Intensive reading    pratⅡ reading practice    pratⅢ teys to exercises    pratⅣ translation of the passages  Unit six science    pratⅠ Intensive reading    pratⅡ reading practice    pratⅢ teys to exercises    pratⅣ translation of the passages  Unit seven employment and unemployment    pratⅠ Intensive reading    pratⅡ reading practice    pratⅢ teys to exercises    pratⅣ translation of the passages  Unit eight Internatiolonal events    pratⅠ Intensive reading    pratⅡ reading practice    pratⅢ teys to exercises    pratⅣ translation of the passagesText交际英语教程(3)上  Unit one online shopping    section 1 speaking    section 2 Listening  ……



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