出版时间:2004-9 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:卡锡 页数:230
《作为语篇的语言:对语言教学的启示》在语言教学的发展历史中,一些主要的教学理论和方法的出现或多或少受到当时的语言学、心理学、教育学等相关学科的影响。近半个世纪以来,语言研究和语言学理论的研究对语言教学的影响越来越明显。比如20世纪70年代兴起的交际语言教学的思想就是受到功能语言学和社会语言学的影响而提出来的。近些年来,心理语言学、认知语言学、神经语言学、语篇语言学等领域的研究也对语言教学起着极大的推进作用。 本书探讨篇章语言学和语篇分析对现代语言教学的启示的一部经典著作。该书的主要写作目的,从语篇的角度和层次上描述语言的特征,并在此基础上提出一种基于语篇的语言教学途径。
Ceneral deitor's prefaceIntroduction1 Dividing the world of discourse 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Speech and Writing 1.2 Frameworkd for classifying spoken and written modes 1.3 Applying and refining frameworks 1.4 Monologue and dialogue 1.5 Text typologies 1.6 Genres 1.7 Conclusion Reader activities Notes on activities Further reading Note2 Observing and exploiting patterns 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Common core patterns of clause relations 2.2 Teaching suggestions 2.3 Embedded patterns 2.4 Openings and closings 2.5 The developing discourse 2.6 Thematic development 2.7 Conclusion Reader activities Notes on activities Further reading3 Linking the levels:grammar,leis and discourse 3.0 Introduction 3.1 Grammar and discourse management 3.2 Tense ,aspect and voice 3.3 Modality 3.4 Patterns of vocabulary 3.5 Naturalness Reader activities Notes on activities Further reading4 Literature,culture and language as discourse 4.0 Introduction 4.1 Conversational analysis:ptagmatics and style 4.2 Analysing narratives 4.3 Repetition and rhetoric 4.4 Situations across cultures 4.5 Text and ideology 4.6 Teaching literature with a small i 4.7 Discoures and cultural awareness 4.8 Teaching texts:curricular principles 4.9 Learning abour language:some questions for discourse analysis Further reading5 Designing the discourse syllabus 5.0 Introducgtion 5.1 The notion of discourse competence 5.2 Analysis and classification 5.3 Analysis as the precursor of tasks 5.4 Putting analysis into the learner context 5.5 Analysis and materials evaluation 5.6 Reflning and realizing the syllabus Reader activities Notes on activities Further readingBibliographyIndex