
出版时间:2003-5-1  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:凯格利,维特科普夫  页数:503  


There is no scientific antidote [to the atomic bomb], only education. You've got to change the way people think. I am not interested in disarmament talks between nations... . What I want to do is to disarm the mind. After that, everything else will automatically follow. The ultimate weapon for such mental disarmament is international education.—Albert EinsteinMuch uncertainty and anxiety characterize the global agenda as we launch a new millennium. Many rapidly unfolding trends, some of recent origin, others long standing, have generated new issues, new cleavages, and a new global landscape. The prospect of revolutionary transformation alongside change and continuity in contemporary world politics obscures our vision of the precise nature of the world in which we live. Perhaps this is why, even as we enter a new century, a consensus has not yet emerged about the defining character of world politics more than a decade after the end of the cold war. Ours is the era of transition from a past epoch that was easily defined and well understood to an era that remains ill defined and not easily characterized. So we find ourselves on the threshold of a new historical era without a concise way to describe it.Whatever the global system's ultimate nature, the potential for great changes has opened up a Pandora's box of new controversies and unfamiliar developments. Simultaneously, traditional controversies continue to color global political relations. This condition presents an intellectual challenge because the study of contemporary world politics must consider the factors that produce change as well as those that promote continuities in relations among political actors on the global stage.Because change is endemic to international politics, it is not surprising that many new issues on the global agenda and fresh perspectives on their analysis have emerged since the fifth edition of this book was published in 1998. Our purpose in preparing a sixth edition is to provide a basis for making an informed assessment of world politics by bringing information up to date and by presenting current commentary on the dominant issues in contemporary international politics and the rival analytical perspectives constructed to understand them.




编者:(美国)凯格利 (Charles W.kegley.Jr.) (美国)维特科普夫 (Eugen R.wittkopf)CHARLES W. KEGLEY, JR. earned his Ph.D. in international relations from Syracuse University in 1971. He holds the position of Pearce Professor of International Relations at the University of South Carolina, where he served as chairman of the Department of Government and International Studies from 1981 to 1985 and as director of the James F. Byrnes International Center from 1985 to 1988. President of the International Studies Association (1993-1994), Kegley also has taught at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, at the University of Texas, and at Rutgers University as the Moses and Annuta Back Peace Scholar. He has coauthored or coedited, with Eugene R. Wittkopf, American Foreign Policy: Pattern and Process (5th ed., 1995); World Politics: Trend and Transformation (8th ed., 2001); The Nuclear Reader: Strategy, Weapons, War (2nd ed., 1989); and coauthored, with Gregory A. Raymond, How Nations Make Peace (1999), A Multipolar Peace? Great-Power Relations in the Twenty-First Century (1994), and When Trust Breaks Down: Alliance Norms and World Politics (1990); also, he has edited The Long Postwar Peace: Contending Explanations and Projections (1991), and Controversies in International Relations Theory: Realism and Neoliberalism (1995) and coedited, with Kenneth L. Schwab, After the Cold War: Questioning the Morality of Nuclear Deterrence (1991). He has published articles in International Studies Quarterly, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, The Journal of Peace Research, International Organization, Ethics & International Affairs, Alternatives, The Journal of Politics, The Bulletin of Peace Proposals, USA Today, the Harvard International Review, among others.EUGENE R. WITTKOPF received his doctorate from Syracuse University. He is currently R. Downs Poindexter Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Louisiana State University. He has also held appointments at the University of Florida and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Wittkopf is author of Faces of Internationalism: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy (1990) and coeditor, with James M. McCormick, of The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy: Insights and Evidence (3rd ed., 1999); and coeditor, with Christopher M. Jones, of The Future of American Foreign Policy (3rd ed., 1999). With Charles W. Kegley, Jr., he is coauthor of American Foreign Policy: Pattern and Process (5th ed., 1996) and World Politics: Trend and Transformation (8th ed., 2001); and co-editor of The Nuclear Reader: Strategy, Weapons, War (2nd ed., 1989). He has contributed chapters to several books and published articles in the American Political Science Review, International Journal, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Politics, Orbis, Polity, Social Science Quarterly, and the Washington Quarterly, among others. In 1997 Professor Wittkopf was named the LSU Distinguished Research Master of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. This is the highest award given by LSU in recognition of contributions to research and scholarship.


Part One Arms and Influence  1 Power,Capability,and Influence in International Politics-K.J.Holsti  2 Power and Interdependence in the Information Age-Robert O.Keohane and Joseph S.Nye,Jr.    3 The Role of Military Power in the Third Millennium—Bjrn Mller  4 War and its Causes-Jack S.Levy  5 The Obsolescence of Major War-John Mueller  6 Nuclear Weapons Threaten Our Existence-Paul H.nitze  7 The New Threat of Mass Destruction-Richard K.Betts  8 Terror's New Face:The Radicalization and Escalation of Modern Terrorism-Walter Lapueur  9 The Trouble With Sanctions-Robert A.Sirico  10 The Changing Nature of World Power-Joseph S.Nye,Jr.Part Two Discord and Collaboration Part Three Politics and Markets Part Four Ecology and Politics


PART ONE ARMS AND INFLUENCEThe contemporary international political system began to acquire its present shape and definition more than three hundred fifty years ago with the emergence of a state system in Europe after the highly destructive Thirty Years War. As the West-phalian treaties in 1648 brought that war to an end and as political, economic, and social intercourse grew among the states of Europe, new legal norms were embraced in an effort to regulate interstate behavior. The doctrine of state sovereignty, according to which no legal authority is higher than the state, emerged supreme. Thus the nascent international system was based on the right of states to control their internal affairs without interference from others and to manage their foreign relations with other states with whom they collaborated or competed as they saw fit. Foremost in this system was the belief, reinforced by the international law created by the Westphalian peace settlement, that the state should possess the right—indeed, the obligation—to take whatever measures it deemed necessary to ensure its preservation.The international system and the patterns of interaction among its political actors have changed profoundly since the birth of the state system, and rulers' capacity to authoritatively manage their country's domestic and foreign policies has receded as new international norms and institutions, and the pressures of globalization, have curtailed leaders' former sovereign freedom. Nonetheless, contemporary world politics remains significantly colored by its Westphalian legacy: it continues to be conducted in an atmosphere that bears a strong resemblance to anarchy. As in the past, the system remains fragmented and decentralized……




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  •   版本没有跟上最近几年世界政治发展趋势,03年一月的影印版,这个是第六版,不过是学习英语与了解国际政治的必备材料!
  •   凯格力的又一本论文集,其实内容还好,可是北大为什么不多引进一些专著呢?

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