出版时间:2002-8 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:鲍姆,布林德 页数:816
2001年12月10日中国加入了世界贸易组织,从此,中国将进一步加大与世界各国的政治、经济、文化各方面的交流和合作,这一切都注定中国将在未来世界经济发展中书写重要的一笔。 然而,中国经济的发展正面临着前所未有的人才考验,在许多领域都面临着人才匮乏的现象,特别是了解国际贸易规则、能够适应国际竞争需要的国际管理人才,更是中国在未来国际竞争.中所必需的人才。因此,制定和实施人才战略,培养并造就大批优秀人才,是我们在新一轮国际竞争中赢得主动的关键。 工商管理硕士(MBA),1910年首创于美国哈佛大学,随后MBA历经百年风雨不断完善,取得了令世人瞩目的成绩。如今,美国MBA教育已经为世界企业界所熟知,受到社会的广泛承认和高度评价。中国的MBA教育虽起步较晚,但在过去10年里,中国的MBA教育事业发展非常迅速,也取得了相当显著的成绩。现在国内已经有50多所高等院校可以授予MBA学位,为社会培养了3000多名MBA毕业生,并有在读学员2万多人。 目前,国内的MBA教育市场呈现一片繁荣景象,但繁荣的背后却隐藏着种种亟待解决的问题。其中很大一部分问题的成因是因为目前我国高校使用的教材内容陈旧,与国外名校的名牌教材差距较大,在教学内容、体系上也缺乏与一流大学的沟通。为适应经济全球化,国家教育管理部门曾要求各高校大力推广使用外语讲授公共课和专业课,特别是在我国加入wT0后急需的上百万人才中,对MBA人员的需求更是占1/3之多,所以,大力开展双语教学,适当引进和借鉴国外名牌大学的原版教材,是加快中国MBA教育步伐,使之走向国际化的一条捷径。 目前,国内市场上国外引进版教材也是新旧好坏参差不齐,这就需要读者进行仔细的甄别。对于国外原版教材的使用,在这里我们要提几点看法。国外每年出版的教材多达几万种,如果不了解国外的教材市场,不了解国外原版教材的品质就可能找不到真正适合教学和学习的好的教材。对于不太了解外版教材的国内读者来说,选择教材要把握以下几点,即:选择国外最新出版的书;选择名校、名作者的书;选择再版多次并且非常流行的书。综合以上几点来看,目前国内市场上真正出新、出好、出精的MBA教材还是不多的。 北京大学出版社推出的《当代全美MBA经典教材书系(英文原版)》弥补了国内MBA教材市场的缺憾,给国内MBA教材市场注入了一股新鲜的血液。全套丛书共由22本书组成。覆盖了北京大学MBA的全部主修课程,包括;经济学、管理学、营销学、战略管理、管理信息系统、运作管理、人力资源管理、商务沟通、国际金融、金融管理、决策分析、货币银行学、会计学等。另外在十几门主课的基础上又增加了几门高级选修课程。包括:国际会计学、组织行为学、投资学、商务学、财务报表解析、管理会计、管理沟通、商业伦理学、企业家精神等。
前言第一部分 简介:经济学和经济 第一章 经济学的性质和方法 第二章 经济化问题 第三章 理解单一市场:需求和供给 第四章 纯粹资本主义与市场机制 第五章 混合经济:私人部门和公共部门 第六章 全球经济中的美国第二部分 国民收入、就业和财政政策 第七章 衡量国内产出、国民收入和价格水平 第八章 宏观经济的不稳定性:失业和通货膨胀 第九章 构造总支出模型 第十章 总支出:乘数,净出口和政府 第十一章 总需求与总供给 第十二章 财政政策第三部分 货币、货币银行及货币政策 第十三章 货币与银行 第十四章 银行如何创造货币 第十五章 货币政策第四部分 宏观经济中的问题和争议 第十六章 总供给分析的扩展 第十七章 宏观理论和政策中的争议 第十八章 经济增长 第十九章 预算赤字和公债第五部分 产品市场中的微观经济学第六部分 资源市场经济学第七部分 政府微观经济学第八部分 微观经济问题和政策第九部分 国际经济学和世界经济
IDEAS FOR BEYOND THE FINAL EXAM As college professors, we realize it is inevitable that you will forget much of what you learn in this course--perhaps with a sense of relief--soon after the final exam. There is not much point bemoaning this fact; elephants may never forget, but people do. Nevertheless, some economic ideas are so important that you will want to remember them after the course is over. To help you pick out a few of the most crucial concepts, we have selected 12 from among the many contained in this book. Some offer key insights into the workings of the economy. Others bear on important policy issues that appear in newspapers. Others point out common misunderstandings that occur among even the most thoughtful lay observers. As the opening quote of this chapter suggests, many learned judges, politicians, and university administrators who have failed to understand or misused these economic principles could have made wiser decisions than they did. Each of the Ideas for Beyond the Final Exam will be discussed in depth as it occurs in the course of the book and called to your attention at the time by yellow sticky notes in the margin denoting the relevant idea. In addition, we will help you see how these ideas work throughout the book by noting how each chapter topic relates to the relevant ideas in the summary for each chapter. So you should not expect to master them now, but notice how often the same ideas arise as we address economic topics throughout the book. Nonetheless, it is useful to sketch them briefly here both to introduce you to economics and to provide a preview of what is to come. IDEA 1 : HOW MUCH DOES IT REALLY COST? Despite dramatic improvements in standards of living since the Industrial Revolution, human society has not come anywhere near a state of unlimited abundance. So people must constantly make choices. If you purchase a new computer, you may have to give up that trip you had planned with friends. If a business decides to retool its factories, it may have to postpone plans for new executive offices. If a government expands its defense program, it may be forced to reduce its outlays on roads or school buildings. Economists say that the true costs of such decisions are not the number of dollars spent on the computer, the new equipment, or the military establishment, but rather the value of what must. be given up in order to acquire the item--the vacation trip, the new executive offices, the improved roads, and the new schools. These are called opportunity costs because they represent the opportunities the individual, firm, or government must forgo to make the desired expenditure. Economists maintain that rational decision making must be based on opportunity costs (Chapters 4, 9, 10, and 14). The cost of a college education provides a vivid example that is probably close to your heart. How much do you think it costs to go to college? Most likely you would answer this question by adding together your expenditures on tuition, room and board, books, and the like, and then deducting any scholarship funds you may receive. Suppose that comes to $15,000. Economists would keep score differently. They would first want to know how much you would be earning if you were not attending college. Suppose that is $16,000 a year. This may sound like an irrelevant piece of information. But because you give up these earnings by attending college, they must be added to your tuition bill as a cost of your education. Nor would economists accept the universitys bill for room and board as a measure of your living costs. They would want to know how much more it costs you to live at school rather than at home. Economists would count only this extra cost as an expense. On balance, your college education is probably costing you much more than you think.