
出版时间:2001-8  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:张力 编  页数:277  


  辜正坤  西学东渐给东方的外语出版界造成一种奇特的景观:在相当短的时间内,外语出版物的数量扶摇直上.使它种民族语出版物相对汗颜,这是可以理解的。日本明治维新之后,就出现过类似的情形,外语(尤其是英语)原著注释渎物动辄一套就是数百本,洋洋大观。毫无疑问.这对推进日本的外语教学起到了,非常重要的作用。时至今日.其效应已经明显昭示出来:当今的中国各大学发表的论文为scI所收录者.最多者一年达500篇,而东京大学一年就达40000篇,两者相距80倍!如果以为日本的论文数量必与其科学水平成正比,因而中国大学的科学研究水平就落后了东大80倍的话,恐怕是一种很大的误解。其中的奥妙之一,就在于日本学者的英语水平普遍较高,许多论文是直接用英文写成,因此容易被世界各地的媒体注意到,其入选scI的机会也就相对增多。反观中国学者的论文,绝大多数用汉语写成,少量靠懂英语的学者翻译,只有极少量的学者能够自己用英文直接写作。因此,大多数的中国论文是难以进入西方学者的视野的。当然入选sCI的机会也就相对少得多了。当然,这并非是说,中国的科研水平就反过来比日本高,而是说,由于中国学者英语写作水平普遍偏低的原因,其实际的科研水半未能在英语世界的文献中充分显示出来。由此可以明白,提高中国学者的英语能力(尤其是阅  读文献与用英语写作的能力)是一件非常迫切的事。  然而,改革开放二十多年来的英语学习大潮虽然使许多中国人在英语学习方面获得了较高的造诣,上了一个较为理想的台阶,但是有更多的人却老在一个水平上徘徊不前:要学的教材已经学了,该考的科目已经通过了,但是,面对英语的殿堂,人们并没有登堂入室的感觉。听说能力未能应付裕如或者情有可原,因为学习者可以抱怨没有相应的可以一试身手的客观条件,但是在阅读方面,例如阅读文史哲数理化的专业文献方面,却仍是磕磕绊绊、跋前定后,字典不离手,冷汗不离身。这种处于瓶颈地带,欲罢不可、欲进不能的促迫感,源于一个关键的原因:缺乏专业外语文献阅读训练。学校里使用的基础英语教材编得再好,也只能解决基础问题,不能解决超过基础的专业阅读问题。正如要做游泳健儿的人只在游泳池里按照游泳要领奋力拨拉了一阵池水,自觉亦有劈波斩浪之感,但与真正的河涛海潮相比。终究属于两重洞天。  于是,就产生了这一整套专业英语阅读教程。  它的目标非常明确,无非是要把英语知识与技能的培训和高层次系统知识的灌输二者有机结合起来,达到既学语言又学知识的目的;既温故,又知新。照我看来,这是最有效率的学习与巩固方略。  如前所述可以明白,这套教程不只是对一般想要提高英语实际水平的人有用,对于专家学者或研究人员,也有很大的好处。一个人无论多么博学多才,也不太可能对各个专业的英语经典文献和地道表达都了然于胸,因此,当需要在尽可以短的时间内对某专业的英语经典文献或概念有所把握时,这一整套书无疑不会使人们失望。  这套书的编选思路最初萌发于1991年,当时称作《注释本英文世界文化简明百科文库》。编者当时曾会同北京大学英语系大学英语教研室教师和北京大学出版社若干编辑共商过具体编选事宜,并由北京大学出版社出版。尔后还进行过多次类似的讨论。文库分上、中、下三编,每编含精选名著一百种左右。在编选思路上,力求达到雅俗共赏,深入浅出,系统全面。在系统性方面,注意参照《大英百科全书>和(中国大百科全书>的知识框架,用英文把更为完备的知识系统介绍给读者。在实用性方面,亦注意选材的内容与词汇量与现行的英语教材、实际英语教学水平相呼应。  ……




1.Computer and Its Kinds(计算机及其种类)2.The History of Computers (计算机史)3.Programs and Programming (程序与编程)4.Computer Languages (计算机语言)5.Assembly Languages(汇编语言)6.Computer Security(计算机安全)7.Computer Viruese(计算机病毒)8.Software Security(软件安全)9.Information superhighway(1)(信息高速公路)10.Information superhighway(2)(信息高速公路)11.Internet History(因特网史)12.The Internet and TV(因特网与电视)13.Networks and Application(网络及应用)14.Distributed Systems(分布系统)15.Computer Office Systems(计算机办公系统)16.Speech Recognition(语音识别系统)17.Windows 2000(视窗2000)18.VBA-Visual Basic Application(可视Basic应用)19.Virtual Reality(虚拟实现)20.Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)21.Parallel Computer Models(并行模式)22.Topology and Router configurations(拓扑及路由配置)23.Evolution of Computer Architecture(计算机体系的演变)24.E-Business(电子商务)VocabularyPhrases and ExpressionsReference Keys


  Computer Security  The techniques developed to protect single computers and net-work-linked computer systems from accidental or intentional harm are called computer security. Such harm includes destruction of computer hardware and software, physical loss of data, and the deliberate inva-sion of databases by unauthorized individuals.  Data may be protected by such basic methods as locking up termi- rials and replicating data in other storage facilities. More sophisticated. methods include limiting data access by requiring the u~r to have an encoded card or to supply an identification number or password. Such procedures can apply to the computer data system as a whole or may be pinpointed for particular information banks or programs. Data are fre- quently ranked in computer files according to degree of confidentiality.  Operating systems and programs may also incorporate built in safeguards, and data may be encoded in various ways to prevent unau- thorized persons from interpreting or even copying the material. The encoding system most widely used in the United States is the Data En- cryption Standard (DES), designed by IBM and approved for use by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in 1976. DES in-volves a number of basic encrypting procedures that are then repeated several times. Very large scale computer systems, for example, the U.S. military Advanced Research Project Agency Network(ARPANET), may be broken up into smaller subsystems for securitypurposes but smaller systems in government and industry are more prone to system-wide invasions. At the level of per~nal computers,security possibilities are fairly minimal.  Most invasions of eomputer system s-hre for international or corpo-rate spying or sabotage, but eomputer haekers may take the penetra-tion of protected databanks as a challenge, often with no object in mind other than accomplishing a technological feat of growing concern is the deliberate implantation in computer programs of worms or virus-es that, if undetected, may progressively destroy databases and oth-er software. Such infected programs have appeared in the electronicbulletin boards available to computer users. Other viruses have been in-  corporated into computer software sold commercially. No real protec-tion is available against such bugs except the vigilance of manufacturerand user.Anti Virus Programs to the Rescue  There is a wide range of virus protection products available tocombat the 11,000 known viruses that currently plague personal com-puters. Theese products range in technology from virus scanners to ter-minate and stay resident monitors, to integrity checkers to a combina-tion of the three. Each of these techniques has its associated strengths and weaknesses.  The most fundamental question that must be asked when consid-ering and evaluating automated anti virus tools is "how well does the product:protect against the growing virusthreat?" When developing a security program, companies must think long term. Not only must you choose a form of protection that can detect and safely eliminate today svarieties, but you must consider 1omorrows gully The real challenge lies in securing against the 38,000 new species that  are expected to appear within the next two years. The 11,000 known viruses that have been-documented to date represent what is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what tomorrow will bring.  Virus Protection Methods  Today there exists three broad based categories of anti virus tech-niques: scanners, memory resident monitors (TSRs), and integrity,checkers.  Virus Scanners  Virus scanners are programs designed to examine a computers boot block, system memory, partition table, and executable files, looking for specific code patterns that are typical to known virus strains. Generally, a virus scanner is able to identify a virus by name and indicate where on the hard drive or floppy drive the infection has occurred. Virus scanners are also able to detect a known virus before it is executed. Virus scanners do a good job of detecting known viruses. They are generally able to find a virus signature if it is present and will identify the infected file and the virus. Some are faster than others, which is an advantage when checking a hard disk with thousands of files. But virus scanners have several major weaknesses.  First and foremost, scanners are completely ineffective against any virus whose code pattern is not recognized. In other words, scanners cannot identify a virus if they dont have a signature for it. Also, many of todays viruses are designed specifically to thwart scanners.  ……


  西学东渐给东方的外语出版界造成一种奇特的景观:在相当短的时间内,外语出版物的数量扶摇直上.使它种民族语出版物相对汗颜,这是可以理解的。日本明治维新之后,就出现过类似的情形,外语(尤其是英语)原著注释渎物动辄一套就是数百本,洋洋大观。毫无疑问.这对推进日本的外语教学起到了,非常重要的作用。时至今日.其效应已经明显昭示出来:当今的中国各大学发表的论文为scI所收录者.最多者一年达500篇,而东京大学一年就达40000篇,两者相距80倍!如果以为日本的论文数量必与其科学水平成正比,因而中国大学的科学研究水平就落后了东大80倍的话,恐怕是一种很大的误解。其中的奥妙之一,就在于日本学者的英语水平普遍较高,许多论文是直接用英文写成,因此容易被世界各地的媒体注意到,其入选scI的机会也就相对增多。反观中国学者的论文,绝大多数用汉语写成,少量靠懂英语的学者翻译,只有极少量的学者能够自己用英文直接写作。因此,大多数的中国论文是难以进入西方学者的视野的。当然入选sCI的机会也就相对少得多了。当然,这并非是说,中国的科研水平就反过来比日本高,而是说,由于中国学者英语写作水平普遍偏低的原因,其实际的科研水半未能在英语世界的文献中充分显示出来。由此可以明白,提高中国学者的英语能力(尤其是阅  读文献与用英语写作的能力)是一件非常迫切的事。  然而,改革开放二十多年来的英语学习大潮虽然使许多中国人在英语学习方面获得了较高的造诣,上了一个较为理想的台阶,但是有更多的人却老在一个水平上徘徊不前:要学的教材已经学了,该考的科目已经通过了,但是,面对英语的殿堂,人们并没有登堂入室的感觉。听说能力未能应付裕如或者情有可原,因为学习者可以抱怨没有相应的可以一试身手的客观条件,但是在阅读方面,例如阅读文史哲数理化的专业文献方面,却仍是磕磕绊绊、跋前定后,字典不离手,冷汗不离身。这种处于瓶颈地带,欲罢不可、欲进不能的促迫感,源于一个关键的原因:缺乏专业外语文献阅读训练。学校里使用的基础英语教材编得再好,也只能解决基础问题,不能解决超过基础的专业阅读问题。正如要做游泳健儿的人只在游泳池里按照游泳要领奋力拨拉了一阵池水,自觉亦有劈波斩浪之感,但与真正的河涛海潮相比。终究属于两重洞天。  于是,就产生了这一整套专业英语阅读教程。  它的目标非常明确,无非是要把英语知识与技能的培训和高层次系统知识的灌输二者有机结合起来,达到既学语言又学知识的目的;既温故,又知新。照我看来,这是最有效率的学习与巩固方略。  如前所述可以明白,这套教程不只是对一般想要提高英语实际水平的人有用,对于专家学者或研究人员,也有很大的好处。一个人无论多么博学多才,也不太可能对各个专业的英语经典文献和地道表达都了然于胸,因此,当需要在尽可以短的时间内对某专业的英语经典文献或概念有所把握时,这一整套书无疑不会使人们失望。  这套书的编选思路最初萌发于1991年,当时称作《注释本英文世界文化简明百科文库》。编者当时曾会同北京大学英语系大学英语教研室教师和北京大学出版社若干编辑共商过具体编选事宜,并由北京大学出版社出版。尔后还进行过多次类似的讨论。文库分上、中、下三编,每编含精选名著一百种左右。在编选思路上,力求达到雅俗共赏,深入浅出,系统全面。在系统性方面,注意参照《大英百科全书>和(中国大百科全书>的知识框架,用英文把更为完备的知识系统介绍给读者。在实用性方面,亦注意选材的内容与词汇量与现行的英语教材、实际英语教学水平相呼应。




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