
出版时间:2002-2  出版社:北京大学  作者:李岩 编  页数:325  


  《英语专业听力教程系列》以培养“积极主动会听之人”为教学目的,实践一种全新的教学理念,并且已经在北京师范大学等院校的英语听力教学中运用多年。全套听力素材全部取 自国外最新教科书和广播电视节目,语言语音语调多样化,融知识性、趣味性于一体。


Content TableTextUnit 1 Evaluation on your listening abilityUnit 2 Introduction to listening strategies l:Global listeningUnit 3 Introduction to listening strategies 2:Selective listening(1)Unit 4 Introduction tO listening strategies 3:Selective listening(2)Unit 5 Introduction tolistening strategms 4:Intensive listeningUnit 6 Introduction to listening skills 1:Prcdicting with certain knowledgeUnit 7 IntrodLlction tolistening skills 2:ldentifying with the help of phonological cuesUnit 8 Introduction to listening skills 3:Interpreting with an intelligent guess(1)Unit 9 Introduction tO listening skills 4:Interpreting with an intelligent guess(2)Unit 10 Introduction to listening skills 5:Inferring with evaluationUnit 11 Challenge your listening ability 1:Information in serviceUnit 12 Challenge your listening ability 2:SportsUnit 13 Challenge your listening ability 3: TravelUnit 14 Challenge your listening ability 4:Radio programsUnit 15 Challenge your listening ability 5:Some issuesUnit 16 Facilitate your listening ability 1:Following a line of developmentUnit 17 Facilitate your listening ability 2:Identifying opinionsUnit 18 Facilitate your listening ability 3: Identifyingspeakers and the points they are makingUnit 19 Facilitate your listening ability 4:Learning about cinemaUnit 20 Facilitate your listening ability 5Exploring the question of genderTranscriptKey



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