
出版时间:2000-4  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:《柯林斯迷你英语词典(英文版)》编写组 编  页数:634  


This dictionary has been compiled by referring to the Bank of English,a unique database of the English language with examples of 323 million words enabling Collins lesicographers to analyse how English is actually used today and how it is changing.This is the evidence on which the changes in this dictionary are based.    The Bank of English was set up as a joint initiative by Harper collins Publishers and Birmingham University to be a resource for language research and lexicography.It contains a very wide range of material from books,newspapers,radio,TV,magazines,letters and talks reflecting the whole spectrum of English today.Its size and range make it an unequalled resource and the purpose-built software for its analysis is unique to Collins Dictionaries.    This ensures that Collins Dictionaries accurately reflect English as it is used today in a way that is most helpful to the dictionary user as well as including the full range of rarer and historical words and meanings.



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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   是影印版的,装订看起来比较劣质。还好不是买了送人的。
  •   这本字典解释用词比较有难度,没有一定水平不建议买
  •   此书的优点在于薄,但是没有例句和音标对我来说是一大缺陷.

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