出版时间:2005-7 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:罗经国 页数:365
罗经国,1930年生,上海人。先后肄业于圣约翰大学、清华大学,1955年北京大学英语系毕业,1961年北京大学研究生毕业,1978至1980年在美国任访问学者。自1961年起长期在北京大学英语系任教,讲授过“欧洲文学”、“英国文学选读”、“19世纪英国文学”、“20世纪英国文学” 等课程。曾先后任杨周翰等主编的两卷集《欧洲文学史》(1964,1971)的主要编者和李赋宁任总主编的四卷集《欧洲文学史》(1999)的第一卷主编。著作有《新编英国文学选读》、《狄更斯的创作》等,译作有四卷集的《世界文明史》、《人造人的故事》等。现为北京大学退休教授。
Chapter One The Anglo-Saxon period(450-1066)1.Historical background2.Northumbrian School and Wessex literature3.Anglo-Saxon poetryBeowulfChapter Two The Norman Period(1066-1350)1.Historical backgroung2.Middle English3.Religious Literature4.Romance and the in fluence of French of French literature Sir Gawain and the Green KnightChapter Three The age of Chaucer(1350-1400)Historical backgroundGeoffrey Chaucer(ca.1340?-1400)The Canterbury TalesChapter Four The Fifteenth Century(1400-1550)1.Historical background2.Popular ballads3.Sir Thomas Malory(ca.1405-1471)4.Early English playsThe Popular BalladsThe Three RavensSir Patrick SpensRobin Hood and the Three SquiresChapter Five The English Renaissance(1550-1642)1.Historical background2.The enclosure movement3.HumanismEdmund Spenser(1522?-1599)The Faerie Queene4.the flourishing of dramaChristopher Marlowe(1564-1593)The Tragical History of Doctor FaustusWilliam Shakespeare(1564-1593)SonnetsSonnets 18Sonnets 19Sonnets 66Romeo and JulietThe Merchant of VeniceJulius CaesarHamletChapter Six The Seventeenth Century(1603-1688)Chapter Seven The Eighteenth Century(1688-1798)
THE ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD(450——1066) 1. Historical background The earliest settlers of the British Isles were the Celts, who originally lived in the upper Rhineland and migrated "to the British Isles about 600 B. C.. About 400 to 300 B. C. the Brythons, a branch of the Celts, came to the British Isles and from them came the name Britain. The culture of the Celts belonged to an early stage of the Iron Age. They knew how to make iron swords and grow crops. Very little is known about their beliefs, hut we know about their religious ceremonies of May Day and the cult of mistletoe, which have become part of the national tradition of the English people. From 55 B.C. to 407 A.D. the British Isles were under the rule of the Roman Empire. At that time the Roman Empire was a slave society. It ruled over Europe and had a high level of civilization. The Romans defeated the Celts and became the masters of the British Isles. It was during the Roman occupation that London was founded. The first Roman general who came to Britain was the famous Julius Caesar (102——44 B. C. ) who crossed the Dover Strait in 55 B. C. with a force of 10,000 men after his victory over the Gauls. But he stayed there only for a few weeks, and although he came back again in the following year, he did not station Roman troops on the isles as he was busily engaged in suppressing rebellions on the Continent and fighting the civil war at home. Almost a century elapsed before the Romans extended their conquest of Britain.