出版时间:1996-10 出版社:北京大学出版社 作者:凯瑟琳·沃尔特 页数:85 字数:150000
should like to thank Felicia Coates, Charles Dillingham, Christine Tierney, and Etliott Glazer for their helpful suggestions. Special thanks to Michael Swan for his many useful comments, and my gratitude to the Walter family, especially Helen, B.J, and Carolyn, for their generous support. A hug to little Mark for those he did without while I was working on this book.
Part1 Instructions:How to do things 1 How to shine at a job interview 2 How to protect yourself 3 How to save a life 4 How to win at marriagePart2 Descritptions:What tbings are like 5 Athens is dying 6 Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance 7 Vacationing in Mexico 8 Men of the Pne BarrensPart 3 Processes: How things bappen 9 Power 10 Smoke signals 11 Lions at work and play 12 Burnout Part 4 Narraive: What bappened 13 The diamond 14 A gentleman thief 15 Great operatic disasters 16 PoisonPart5 Persuasion:Why you sbould do it 17 The family room 18 Better left unsaid 19 Save the children 20 Two lettersPart6 Categories:How tbings are classified 21 Men and women; Some differences 22 Getting to the airport 23 How personality affects your health 24 Wonder wander
书评should like to thank Felicia Coates, Charles Dillingham, Christine Tierney, and Etliott Glazer for their helpful suggestions. Special thanks to Michael Swan for his many useful comments, and my gratitude to the Walter family, especially Helen, B.J, and Carolyn, for their generous support. A hug to little Mark for those he did without while I was working on this book.