Microsoft Windows 2000 Server TCP/IP网络核心指南

出版时间:2000-3  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:北京大学出版社  页数:1041  字数:1561000  


“Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit”丛书共由7卷和一张光盘组成,光盘中包括各种工具、附加的参考资料和本丛书的电子版。当需要补充新的信息时,我们将通过Web 发布,读者可通过Web 得到有关的更新内容和信息。    《Windows 2000 Server TCP/IP Core Networking Guide所提供的深入的技术信息,可帮助您全面理解、管理TCP/IP 网络并进行故障诊断。本书首先对Windows 2000的TCP/IP 核心协议进了综合分析,然后详细介绍了TCP/IP 的编址和名称解析服务,最后分析了TCP/IP 网络的高级服务。    要了解有关Windows 2000 网络的其他协议和服务的信息,可参阅《Windows 2000 Server Internetworking Guide。


Introduction  xxxvDocument Conventions  xxxvResource Kit Compact Disc xxxviResource Kit Support Policy  xxxviiPart 1    Windows 2000 TCP/IP  Chapter 1   Introduction to TCP/IP   TCP/IP Protocol Suite   Microsoft TCP/IP   TCP/IP stadndards  TCP/IP Protocol Architecture   TCP/IP Core Protocols    IP    ARP    ICMP    IGMP    TCP    UDP   TCP/IP Application Interfaces    Windows Sockets Interface    NetBIOS Interface  IP Addressing   Address Classes    ClassesA    ClassesB    ClassesC    ClassesD    ClassesE    Network ID Guidelines    HOST ID Guidelines   Subnets and Subnet Masks    Subnet Masks    Determining the Network ID   Subnetting    Step 1:Determining the Number of  Host Bits     Step 2:Enumetating Subnetted Network IDs    Step 3:Enumerating IP addresses for Each Subnetted Network ID    Variable Length Subnetting    Supernetting and Classless Interdomain Routing     Address Space Perspective    Public and Private Addresses    Public Addresses    Private Addresses  Name Resolution   Host Name Resolution    Domain Names    Host Name Resolution Using a Hosts File    Combining a Local Database File with DNS    NetBIOS Name Resolution    NetBIOS Node Types   IP Routing Direct and Indirect Delivery   IP Routing   Direct and Indirect Delivery    IP Routing Table     IP Routing Table Entry Types     Route Determination Process    Example Routing Table for Windows 2000   Routing Processes    IP on the Sending Host    IP on the Router     IP on the Destination Host   Static and Dynamic IP Routers  Physical Address Resolution   ARP Cache   ARP Process  Additional Resources Chapter 2 Windows 2000 TCP/IP ……GlossaryIndex



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