
出版时间:1996-2  出版社:第1版 (2000年12月1日)  作者:徐万丽 编辑  页数:209  字数:185000  


本书主要内容包括:Unit One;Text:rThe Million-Pound Note;Section 1 Aids to Study;Section 2 Suggested Answers and Keys to the General Exercises;Section 3 Reading Exercises;Section 4 Writing Exercises;课文参考译文;Unit Two;Text:The'Killer e'of Cameroon;Section 1 Aids to Study;Section 2 Suggested Answers and Keys to the era1 Exercises;Section 3 Reading Exercises;Section 4 Writing Exercises;课文参考译文;nit Three;Unit Four;Unit Five;Unit Six;Unit Seven;Unit Eight;Unit Nine;Unit Ten;A Glossary of Idioms and Phras等等。


Unit One  Text:rThe Million-Pound Note  Section 1 Aids to Study  Section 2 Suggested Answers and Keys to the General Exercises  Section 3 Reading Exercises  Section 4 Writing Exercises  课文参考译文Unit Two  Text:The'Killer Lake'of Cameroon  Section 1 Aids to Study  Section 2 Suggested Answers and Keys to the Genera1 Exercises  Section 3 Reading Exercises  Section 4 Writing Exercises   课文参考译文Unit ThreeUnit FourUnit FiveUnit SixUnit SevenUnit EightUnit NineUnit TenA Glossary of Idioms and Phrases



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