
出版时间:1996年2月1日  出版社:北京大学出版社  作者:赵琏等  页数:302  字数:280000  


本书的编写,坚持了知识性、科学性和生动性三项原则。知识性即书中的选材除了反应现代英语的特点外,同时也反映了英、美等使用英语的国家的现状,以扩大学生的知识面。科学性即本书每个单元均以课文为中心,编写相当数量的雷同语篇作为练习,这样同一语言现象自然地反复出现,使学生系统而科学地巩固所学的词语。生动性即突破过去单句练习的单调与局限,选编优秀的短文和章节,以填空、改错、选择等多种形式,使学生在语言的交流中,生动有趣地进行学习。    本书分上、下两册,每册均配有自学手册。上册包括十个单元,每个单元除课文外分为四节:一、学习辅导;二、一般性练习;三、阅读练习;四、写作练习。第一、二节练习的主要是使学生加深对课文的理解、熟悉在课文中学到的语言现象。第三节练习是课文的扩展,目的主要是培养学生的阅读能力,巩固并扩大在课文中所学到的词语。第四节主要是使学生用写课文摘要等形式,运用在本单元中所学到的语言现象提高写作能力,每节内的项目,根据不同课文拟定,不要求完全一致。


序言编者的话Unit One   Text:The Computer Society:Business from Time    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Two    Text:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Three    Text:Why Are You Laughing?by Ashley Montague    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Four    Text:Life on Other Planets by Isaac Asimov    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Five    Text:Newspapers in the Capitalist World by Francis Williams    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Six    Text:Notes from the underground from Time    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Seven    Text:In the Antarctic by W.M. Smith    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Eight     Text:Taking a Bite out of the Big Apple by Lorraine Simith    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Nine     Text:The Sun and Beyond by Alvin Toffler    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing ExercisUnit Ten     Text:Science in the Capitalist World Form Science in History    Section 1 Aids to Study    Section 2 General Exercises    Section 3 Reading Exercises    Section 4 Writing Exercis



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