
出版时间:2013-2  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  




PrefacePart 1 understanding marketing management  1. defining marketing for the 21st century  2. developing marketing strategies and plans  3. collecting information and forecasting demandPart 2 connecting with customers  4. creating long-term loyalty relationships  5. analyzing consumer markets  6. analyzing business markets  7. identifying market segments and targetsPart 3 building strong brands  8. creating brand equity  9. crafting the brand positioning and competing effectivelyPart 4 shaping the market offerings  10. setting product strategy and marketing through the life cycle  11. designing and managing services  12. developing pricing strategies and programsPart 5 delivering value  13. designing and managing integrated marketing channels  14. managing retailing, wholesaling, and logisticsPart 6 communicating value  15. designing and managing integrated marketing  communications  16. managing mass communications: advertising, sales promotions, events and experiences, and public relations  17. managing personal communications: direct and interactive marketing, word of mouth, and personal sellingPart 7 creating successful long-term growth  18. managing marketing in the global economyGlossary





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