
出版时间:2013-1  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:张锦芯 编  






第一部分中级篇——夯实基础 U1 Information and the Media 信息与传媒 Text The Medium Is the Medium Reading Comprehension (包括“答案与题解”)  Notes 课文参考译文 练习 Ⅰ.Cloze Ⅱ.Reading Passages (包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”) Part A阅读理解 Part B小标题选择 Ⅲ.Translation Ⅳ.Writing(包括“审题指导”) Part A应用文 Part B英语写作 练习答案与题解 U2 Education and the Government 教育与政府 Text Are Olympic Parents Supportive or Overbearing? Reading Comprehension (包括“答案与题解”) Notes 课文参考译文 练习  Ⅰ.Cloze Ⅱ.Reading Passages (包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”) Part A阅读理解 Part B选择搭配 Ⅲ.Translation  Ⅳ.Writing(包括“审题指导”) Part A应用文 Part B英语写作 练习答案与题解 U3 Science and Society 科学与社会 Text Reading This Will Change Your Brain Reading Comprehension (包括“答案与题解”) Notes 课文参考译文 练习  Ⅰ.Cloze Ⅱ.Reading Passages (包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)  Part A阅读理解 Part B观点与例证 Ⅲ.Translation  Ⅳ.Writing(包括“审题指导”) Part A应用文 Part B英语写作 练习答案与题解 U4 Medical Science and Health 医学与健康 Text Steve Jobs and the Lure of Alterna Healing Reading Comprehension (包括“答案与题解”) Notes 课文参考译文 练习  Ⅰ.Cloze Ⅱ.Reading Passages (包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)  Part A阅读理解 Part B选择搭配 Ⅲ.Translation  Ⅳ.Writing(包括“审题指导”) Part A应用文 Part B英语写作 练习答案与题解 U5 Ethics and Morality 伦理与道德 Text Harvard Students Caught in Cheating Scandal Reading Comprehension (包括“答案与题解”) Notes 课文参考译文 练习 Ⅰ.Cloze Ⅱ.Reading Passages (包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)  Part A阅读理解 Part B选择搭配 Ⅲ.Translation  Ⅳ.Writing(包括“审题指导”) Part A应用文 Part B英语写作 练习答案与题解 U6 Computer Science and the Web 计算机与网络 Text Will Books Be Napsterized? Reading Comprehension (包括“答案与题解”)  Notes 课文参考译文 练习 Ⅰ.Cloze Ⅱ.Reading Passages (包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”) Part A阅读理解 Part B观点与例证 Ⅲ.Translation Ⅳ.Writing(包括“审题指导”)  Part A应用文 Part B英语写作 练习答案与题解 U7 Language and Communication 语言与交际 Text Science Invades the Humanities Reading Comprehension (包括“答案与题解”)  Notes 课文参考译文 练习 Ⅰ.Cloze Ⅱ.Reading Passages (包括“疑难长句翻译与注解”)  第二部分高级篇——挑战高分 附录Glossary总词汇表


版权页:   插图:   The Merits of Genteel Poverty Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in the 18th century? Why did it start in Britain? And,once the revolution had occurred,why did the gains accrue so disproportionately to countries in Europe and North America? These are questions that have kept economists busy for decades.Gregory Clark,of the University of California,Davis,thinks the answers lie in the nature of European societies."Millennia of living in stable societies,un.der tight Malthusian pressures that rewarded effort,accumulation and fertility limitation,encouraged the development of cultural forms-in terms of work inputs,time preference and family formation-which facilitated modern economic growth," he contends. This is not a fashionable thesis.Indeed,it may well get Mr.Clark into trouble,given the implication that other societies are less "evolved".His argument is that throughout the Middle Ages British society was slowly acquiring characteristics that made it a favourable agent for rapid economic change.The rich tended to have more children who survived than their poorer compatriots and this led to a kind of downward mobility as sons of merchants became small traders,sons of traders became craftsmen and so on.The result was that middle-class attributes such as patience,hard work and education spread through society.In most other countries the rich were less fecund.,the Japanese samurai produced little more than one son per father,for example. In addition,British society also produced the preconditions for a growing economy.Interest rates fell,the hours worked rose and day-to-day acts of violence decreased.Had medieval Britain been assessed by the IMF,it would have achieved top marks.,taxes were low,monetary policy was stable,property rights were secure. None of this made much difference while Britain,like all other societies,found itself caught in the Malthusian trap.This was the grim fact identified by Thomas Malthus,an English demographer,that a country's economic potential was limited by its food supply.The trap meant that higher populations merely brought lower living standards.The trap also meant that global divergences in income were limited.In the Middle Ages,Polish workers were considered idle relative to their British counterparts,but their living standards were roughly the same~ Poland was merely more sparsely populated.






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  •   真的是由易到难 很详细的解释
  •   跟课本一样 有课文 翻译 每个课文都有一个主题 并且围绕主题都有完形填空 阅读理解等题 适合自学
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  •   好书非常好用的一本书
  •   该系列的英语阅读和作文翻译都有买,感觉内容都归纳在这本书里。
  •   不太适合英语基础太差的
  •   只是没有想象的那么好 书中缺少做题技巧的点评

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