
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:[英] 亚当•斯密  页数:565  字数:517000  






Part Ⅰ Of the Propriety of Action
Section I Of the Sense of Propriety
Section Ⅱ Of the Degrees of the Different Passions Which Are
Consistent with Propriety
Section Ⅲ Of the Effects of Prosperity and Adversity upon the
Judgment of Mankind with regard to the Propriety of Action; and why
it is more easy to obtain their Approbation in the one state than
in the other
Part Ⅱ Of Merit and Demerit; or, of the Objects of Reward
SectionⅠOf the Sense of Merit and Demerit
Section Ⅱ Of Justice and Beneficence
Section Ⅲ Of the Influence of Fortune upon the Sentiments of
Mankind, with regard to the Merit or Demerit of Actions
Part Ⅲ Of the Foundation of Our Judgments Concerning Our Own
Sentiments and Conduct,and of the Sense of Duty
Part Ⅳ Of the Effect of Utility upon the Sentiment of
Part Ⅴ Of the Influence of Custom and Fashion upon the Sentiments
of Moral Approbation and Disapprobation
Part Ⅵ Of the Character of Virtue
Section Ⅰ Of the Character of the Individual,so far as it affects
his own Happiness;or of Prudence
Section Ⅱ Of the Character of the Individual,so far as it can
affect the Happiness of other People
Section Ⅲ of Self-command
Conclusion of the Six Part
Part Ⅶ Of Systems of Moral Philosophy
Section Ⅰ Of the Questions which ought to be examined in a Theory
of Moral Sentiments
Section Ⅱ Of the different Accounts which have been given of the
Nature of Virtue
Section Ⅲ Of the different Systems which have been formed
concerning the Principle of Approbation
Section Ⅳ Of the Manner in which different Authors have treated of
the practical Rules of Morality


  Chap.Ⅳ The same subject continued  We may judge of the propriety or impropriety of the sentiments of another person by their correspondence or disagreement with our own, upon two different occasions; either, first, when the objects which excite them are considered without any peculiar relation,either to ourselves or to the person whose sentiments we judge of;or, secondly, when they are considered as peculiarly affecting one or other of us.  1. With regard to those objects which are considered without any peculiar relation either to ourselves or to the person whose sentiments we judge of; wherever his sentiments entirely correspond with our own, we ascribe to him the qualities of taste and good judgment. The beauty of a plain, the greatness of a mountain, the ornaments of a building, the expression of a picture, the composition of a discourse, the conduct of a third person, the proportions of different quantities and numbers, the various appearances which the great machine of the universe is perpetually exhibiting, with the secret wheels and springs which produce them; all the general subjects of science and taste, are what we and our companion regard as having no peculiar relation to either of us. We both look at them from the same point of view, and we have no occasion for sympathy, or for that imaginary change of situations from which it arises, in order to produce, with regard to these, the most perfect harmony of sentiments and affections. If, notwithstanding, we are often differently affected, it arises either from the different degrees of attention, which our different habits of life allow us to give easily to the several parts of those complex objects, or from the different degrees of natural acuteness in the faculty of the mind to which they are addressed.  ……


  “无论人类如何被想成是怎样的自私,在他的天性中显然会存在一些原则,使他关心别人的命运,并将别人的幸襠看作与自己相关,虽然他只是看到别人的幸福心里高兴,其他并无所得。”  ——亚当·斯密






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  •   在我心中,有两样东西始终如迷雾一般,一个是我头上的星空,另一个是我心中的道德准则
  •   还没有看,但是浏览一下,不错,书的质量好
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