
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:叶文芳 著  页数:218  




Part I Fundamentals of Publishing TradeChapter 1 Frequently Asked Questions About CopyrightSection A First Five Questions About CopyrightSection B Different Types of Works Do Have Different Permission ConsiderationsChapter 2 Agents and AgencySection A Working with AgentsSection B Copyright Licensing AgencyChapter 13 Subsidiary Rights of the PublishersSection A The First Three Main Sub-rightsSection B The Other Three Main Sub-rightsChapter 4 Rights SalesSection A The Different Models and Requirements of Rights SalesSection B Rights Trading in Book FairsPart ⅡRequests for Translation Rights and PrefacesChapter 5 Correspondence for Authorization of Translation RightsSection A Successes an FailuresSection B Further Correspondence with John Kenneth Galbraith.Chapter 6 Requested ForewordsSection A Two Forewords by CelebritiesSection B An Introduction by the Author to a ChineseTranslated EditionPart Ⅲ World Book FairsChapter 7 Frankfurt BriefcaseSection A Frankfurt Rights PreviewSection B Frankfurt 2010 BriefcaseChapter 8 London BriefcaseSection A London Briefcase: What the Big Six Are Bringing to the London Book Fair 2010 (1)Section B London Briefcase: What the Big Six Are Bringing tothe London Book Fair 2010(2)阅读理解参考答案




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