出版时间:2012-12 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 作者:托马斯·A·普格尔 页数:399 字数:690000
economics足国外经典的国际经济学教材,初版于1953年,先后由著名经济学家charles kindleberger,peter
托马斯·A·普格尔(Thomas A.
第1章 国际经济学是一门独特的学科
第1篇 国际贸易理论
第2章 国际贸易的基本理论:需求与供给
第3章 人们为什么要进行贸易:比较优势
第4章 贸易:要素有效性和要素比例是关键
第5章 在国际贸易中谁获益、谁受损
第6章 规模经济、不完全竞争与贸易
第7章 贸易与经济增长
第2篇 贸易政策
第8章 对关税的分析
第9章 非关税进口壁垒
第10章 支持与反对贸易保护的论点
第11章 推动出口
第12章 贸易集团与贸易禁运
第13章 贸易与环境
第14章 发展中国家的贸易政策
第15章 跨国公司与移民:国际要素流动
附录a 网络与图书馆:国际数据与其他信息的来源
附录b 生产可能性曲线的推导
附录c 提供曲线
附录d 国家最优关税
Has China gained what it hoped from its mem-bership in the WTO?Broadly,China has obtainedsubstantial benefits from freer trade.China'strade continues to grow rapidly,as does itseconomy,China has gained the general benefits of WTO membership.China now has MFN treat-ment by other members.It has gained a seat atWTO-sponsored multilateral trade negotiations,although its role in the Doha Round negotiations was low-keyed until 2008.China has access to the WTO dispute settle-ment procedures.As of early 2011,China hadbeen a complainant in eight disputes.In all butone of these eight,China complained that eitherthe United States or the European Union had notfollowed WTO rules when it imposed antidump-ing duties,countervailing duties,or safeguardtariffs on Chinese exports(we will examine these three types of policies in Chapter 11).In the othercase,China complained that the United Stateshad not followed WTO rules when it bannedimports of Chinese poultry.As of early 2011,all but one of these eight had gone to panels to hearthe cases.In China's first case as complainant,itjoined a number of other countries in 2002 insuccessfully challenging increased U.S.tariffs onsteel imports,China also prevailed in the poultrycase filed in 2009,and the United States removedthe ban,In the case about U.S.safeguard tariffson tires(also from 2009,and previously discussedin Chapter 1),the panel ruled against China'scomplaint. As a WTO member,China qualified for the endof the VERs that limited its exports of clothingand textiles,As discussed in the box earlier in thechapter,when the VERs were removed,China'sexports continued to be limited by safeguards imposed by the United States and the EuropeanUnion.Still,its export of these products has grown rapidly in recent years.China's entry into the WTO has continuedits integration into the global economy,andit became more attractive as a destination for'direct investments by foreign firms(a topic taken up in more depth in Chapter 15).In turn,the operations of foreign firms in China have spurred its trade and economic growth.In addi tion,the WTO commitments have been useful indomestic politics,by strengthening the positionsof reformers within the Chinese governmentleadership.In pursuit of these economic benefits,whatcommitments did China make tojoin the WTO,and how has it been doing in meeting these com-mitments?Here are some major areas covered bythe accession agreement.Tariff reductions:China had been reducingits tariff rates prior to joining the WTO,and it continued to do so.For industrial products,the average tariff rate has declined to 9 per-cent from 14 percent in 2001,Some reductionsare dramatic.The tariff on autos declined from 80 percent to 25 percent,and tariffs oncomputers,telecommunications equipment,and other information technology productswere eliminated.For agricultural products,China has dropped its average tariff to 16 per-cent from 23 percent in 2001.All tariff ratesare bound(so that China cannot arbitrarilyincrease them in the future),Services:China agreed to a range ofcommitments under the General Agreement on Trade in Services,to provide better market access for foreign services firms,For instance,China has removed or liberalized limits on thelocal activities of foreign firms engaged in banking,financial services,and insurance.Still,foreign firms have expressed some concernsthat other rules and regulations have been used to limit their ability to benefit from the changes.High capital requirements have beenimposed on foreign-owned banks,and the process of gaining approvals for new officelocations and for additional products has been costly and slow.Another concern is that China has failed to implement a process forapproving the entry of foreign firms providing computer travel reservation services.Intellectual property:china agreed to bring its laws protecting intellectual property rights(patents,brand names and trademarks,andcopyright) into conformity with WTO and other international standards and to enforce these laws.China's laws are generally in con-formity.However,there remain major concernsthat piracy and product counterfeiting arerampant and that the laws are not enforced.Overall,China has made major changes,including amending several thousand laws and regulations.China generally has met the com-mitments that it made tojoin the WTO,though in some areas it has been slow or has taken other actions that offset some of its liberaliza-tions.These apparent shortcomings have led toa number of complaints by other countries,using the WTO dispute settlement process.As of early2011,China has been the respondent in 21 com-plaints from other countries(covering 12 sepa-rate issues),The complaints extend over much of the range of the WTO's domain,including tariffs,nontariff barriers,intellectual property,and trade in services. ……
《教育部经济管理类双语教学课程教材·国际商务经典教材:国际贸易(英文版·第15版)(全新版)》配有丰富的教辅资源,包括: ·PPT讲义(含图表); ·教师指南(含各章概要、教学提示、教材中偶数题解答); ·在线题库(含1500多道试题,涵盖多选、填空、配对、判断、简答等多种题型)。