
出版时间:2012-12  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:托马斯·A·普格尔  页数:321  字数:550000  


普格尔所著,本书是一本英文影印版教材,原著International Economics
是国外一本经典的国际经济学教材,初版于1953年,先后由著名经济学家 Charles Kindleberger、Peter
Lindert和Thomas Pugel主笔,迄今已有近




第1章  国际经济学是一门独特的学科
第1篇 理解外汇
第2章 国际收支
第3章 外汇市场
第4章 远期交易与国际金融投资
第5章 汇率是由什么决定的
第6章 政府的外汇市场政策
第7章 国际借贷与金融危机
第2篇 开放经济中的宏观经济政策
第8章 开放的宏观经济是如何运作的
第9章 固定汇率制下的内外部平衡
第10章 浮动汇率制与内部平衡
第11章 国家与世界的选择:浮动汇率制与其他汇率制度
附录A 国际收支会计
附录B 各种平价关系一览
附录C 开放经济中的总供给与总需求
附录D 货币贬值与经常项目余额


  The official settlements balance is in deficit if the IS-LM intersection is to the right of(or below)the FE curve.  This section has given the same reasoning about three markets in three alternativeforms: the causal-arrow sketch of Figure 8.4;the listing of Equations 8.9,8.11,and 8.12;and the use ofIS-LM-FE diagrams(Figures 8.5 through 8.7).The waythat we use this framework-especially the way that we use the FE curve-dependson the type of exchange-rate policy that the country has adopted.As we will examinein the next chapter,if a country adopts a fixed exchange rate,then any divergencebetween the IS-LM intersection and the FE curve shows that official interventionis needed to defend the fixed rate.The official settlements balance is not zero-official intervention to defend the fixed rate results in official reserves transactions.As we will examine in Chapter 10,if the country adopts a clean float,then the offi-cial settlements balance must be zero,and somehow a triple intersection betweenthe IS,LM,and FE curves must occur.In different ways,to be explored in eachchapter,these situations create pressures for adjustments that affect the country'smacroeconomic performance.THE PRICE LEVEL DOES CHANGE  In developing the framework so far,we have generally ignored the product price level(P).We assumed that the price level is a constant for the short run,given by previ-ous history.While this may be reasonable for most short-run analysis,it is clearly not appropriate generally.The price level does change over time for three basic reasons.  First,most countries have some amount of ongoing inflation.This amount can be anticipated and built into inflation expectations.Generally,ongoing positive inflation requires sufficient ongoing growth ofthe country's nominal money supply.The role of ongoing inflation was prominent in Chapter 5,especially in discussing the monetaryapproach.  Second,strong or weak aggregate demand can put pressure on the country's price level.If the price level is somewhat sluggish,then this effect will not be felt inthe immediate short run,but it will have an impact as the economy moves beyond the initial short run.The strength of aggregate demand must be evaluated against the economy's supply-side capabilities for producing goods and services.If aggregate demand is very strong,then actual production strains against the economy's supply capabilities.The economy will "overheat" and there will be upward pressure on the price level.(In a setting in which there is ongoing inflation,this really means that the price level will rise more tharrit'otherwise would have,anyway.The inflation rate will increase.)If aggregate demand is weak,then product markets will be weak,creat-ing downward pressure on the price level because of the "discipline".effect of weak demand.(Again,in a setting of ongoing inflation,this really means that the inflation rate will be lower than it otherwise would have been-the price level may still be ris-ing,but it will rise more slowly.)  Third,shocks occasionally can cause large changes in the price level even in the short run.One example is an oil price shock.As oil prices rose dramatically during2004-2008,inflation rates increased in the United States,the euro area,and most other oil importing countries,although the effects were not as large as those during the two oil price shocks in the 1970s.  Another source of a price shock is a large,abrupt change in the exchange-rate valueof a country's currency.As we will discuss in the next chapter,a large devaluation or depreciation is likely fo cause a large increase in the domestic-currency price of imported products.The general price level tends to increase quickly because of boththe direct effects of higher import prices and the indirect effects on costs and otherprices in the country.For subsequent analysis using our framework,the effect of strong or weak aggregate  demand on the price level is ofmajor interest.As we move beyond the initial short run,we do expect adjustment in the country's product price level.This can have an impacton the country's international price competitiveness,as discussed in the next section.  Ifinternational price competitiveness is affected,then the country's current accountbalance changes.In addition,although we will not focus on this effect in subsequent analysis,a change in the price level changes money demand (through the PY term).  If the nation's money supply is not changing in line with the change in money demand,then the LM curve will shift over time.  ……


  《教育部经济管理类双语教学课程教材·国际商务经典教材:国际金融(英文版·第15版)(全新版)》配有丰富的教辅资源,包括:  ·PPT讲义(含图表);  ·教师指南(含各章概要、教学提示、教材中偶数题解答);  ·在线题库(含1500多道试题,涵盖多选、填空、配对、判断、简答等多种题型)。




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