
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:苏世军、 张养志 中国人民大学出版社 (2012-09出版)  作者:李宝玲 著  页数:232  




Part Ⅰ Fundamentals of Marketing in Publishing Industry  Chapter 1    Section Ⅰ   The Economies for the Publisher    Section Ⅱ  The Supply Chain for Books  Chapter 2    Section Ⅰ   Marketing in Publishing    Section Ⅱ  Direct Marketing  Chapter 3    Section Ⅰ   Marketing Mix    Section Ⅱ  Organizational Structure of Sales and Marketing  Chapter 4    Section Ⅰ   Book Distribution Costs for Publishers    Section Ⅱ  Defining Digital Print-on-DemandPart Ⅱ Marketing Practices in Publishing Industry  Chapter 5    Section Ⅰ   Book Sales    Section Ⅱ  Book Selling Companies That Changed the Business  Chapter 6    Section Ⅰ   Book Distribution    Section Ⅱ  Bookseller  Chapter 7    Section Ⅰ   How to Price Your Book    Section Ⅱ   Marketing and Advertising Director  Chapter 8    Section Ⅰ  How to Promote and Market Books Online    Section Ⅱ  Strategic Book Marketing and ROIPart Ⅲ  Marketing in Publishing Industry in Digital Age  Chapter 9    Section Ⅰ  Charting the Global Ebook Market    Section Ⅱ  Text,Books and Publishers in the 21st Century  Chapter 10    Section Ⅰ   Frankfurt Goes Electronic    Section Ⅱ   The Future of Printed Books Versus the Electronic                   Distribution of Content阅读理解参考答案


苏世军和张养志主编的《西方出版产业营销战略》以西方出版经济学的基本概念为起点,介绍出版物市场的结构和范畴、销售队伍的素养和职责、出版物网络营销与传统营销的关系,从理论和实践阐述从业者应掌握的基本要素。    本套教材编写的基本原则,在于突出西方出版教育与实践有机融为—体的核心价值观。适合我国编辑出版专业或相关传媒类专业本科生和研究生使用,也可以作为我国出版及其相关产业专业人士的业务参考书。




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