
出版时间:2012-4  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:徐腾飞,应纯艳 主编  页数:173  字数:252000  




unit 1 new business opening
section 1 practice notice
section 2 company profile
section 3 product presentation
section 4 commercial advertisement
unit 2 credit investigation
section 1 letter of credit investigation
section 2 favorable reply
section 3 unfavorable reply
unit 3 establishment of business relations
section 1 letter of establishing business relations
section 2 favorable reply
section 3 unfavorable reply
unit 4 business negotiation
section 1 inquiry and offer
section 2 counter-offer and acceptance
unit 5 payment
section 1 l/c operation
section 2 other payment letters
unit 6 goods delivery
section 1 packing
section 2 shipment
unit 7 insurance and claims
section 1 insurance
section 2 claims
unit 8 transaction review
section 1 for acceptance
section 2 for dishonour
unit 9 agency
section 1 genera] agency
section 2 sole agency
unit 10 social communication
section 1 invitation
section 2 appointment
section 3 congratulations and wishes
section 4 reservation
part 1 commonly used vocabulary in international trade
part 2 commonly used contracts and agreements
part 3 relative documents and credits



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