
出版时间:2012-9  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:苏世军,张养志  页数:253  




Part One West Publishing Indusrty In CeneralChapter 1 A Glimpse of the UK Publishing IndustrySection A The UK Publishing Industry and Its Top Ten PublishersSection B The Direct Value ofthe UK Publishing IndustryChapter 2 A Glimpse of the US Book and Magazine Publishing Industry-Section A The US Book PublishingSection B The US Magazine PublishingChapter 3 US Publishing Giants, Borders' Bankruptcy, and the UK Publishing Added ValueSection A Top Ten US Publishers and BordersJ BankruptcySection B The Added Value of the UK Publishing IndustryChapter 4 Random House Inc. and Hachette's Environmental PolicySection A Random House Inc. and Its PublishersSection B Hachette UK's Environmental and Ethical Policy IntroductionChapter 5 The Consolidation and Structure ofthe Publishing IndustrySection A Consolidation in the Publishing IndustrySection B Structure ofthe UK Publishing IndusyPart TwoWest Publishing EducationChapter 6 Graduate Programs in Publishing in the UK and the US.Section A MA in Publishing in the UKSection B NYU MS in Publishing and Description oflts Core CoursesChapter 7 Certificate and Undergraduate Programs in the US.Section A Columbia Publishing Course-Section B New York University Undergraduate Programs in PublishingPart ThreeElectronic Publishing and Future TrodsChapter 8 Electronic Publishing and Ways of ReadingSection A Electronic PublishingSection B How We Read NowChapter 9 Book Production and iPad-Section A Print lsn't Dead-Finds Bowker's Book Production ReportSection B iPad Goes GlobalChapter 10 Future Trends, Challenges, and OpportunitiesSection A Yale Publishing Course Partiapants Get a Look into the Industry's FutureSection B Challenges and Opportunities the UK Publishing Industry FacesKey to Reading Comprehension Questions




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