
出版时间:2012-4  出版社:中国人民大学出版社  作者:蒂坦伯格,刘易斯 著,安树民 改编  页数:434  字数:662000  






前 言
第1章 展望未来
第2章 环境价值评估:概念
第3章 环境价值评估:方法
第4章 产权、外部性和环境问题
第5章 动态效率与可持续发展
第6章 可耗竭资源和可再生资源的配置方式:概述
第7章 能源:可再生资源替代可耗竭资源的过程
第8章 可补充但可耗竭的资源:水
第9章 可贮存可再生的资源:森林
第10章 公共池塘资源:鱼类和其他具有商业价值的物种
第11章 污染控制经济学
第12章 固定源的局地空气污染
第13章 区域性和全球性大气污染物:酸雨和大气变化
第14章 移动源的空气污染
第15章 水污染
第16章 寻求可持续发展


版权页:   插图:   Visions of the Future Some Historic Examples The premise tllat societies could germinate the seeds of their own destruction haslong fascinated scholars.In 1798 Thomas Malthus published his classic"An Essayon tlle Principle of Population."in which he foresaw a time when the urge to repro-duce would cause population growth to exceed the land's potential to supply suffi-cient food and result in starvation and death.In his view,the adjustment mechanismwould involve rising death rates caused by environmental constraints.ratller than a recognition of impending scarcity followed by either innovation or self-restraint.  Actual historic examples suggest that the Malthus vision may have merit.Con-sider two specific cases:the Mavan civilization and Easter Island. The Mayan civilization.a vibrant and highly cultured society that occupied partsof Central America,did not survive.One of the major settlements,Copán,has beenstudied in sufficient detail to reveal reasons for its collapse(Webster et al.,2000).The Webster et al.study reports that the population growth began to bump intoenvironmental constraints in the fifth century,specifically the agricultural carryingcapacity of the land.The growing population depended heavily on a single,locallygrown crop(maize)for food.By early in the sixth century,however,the carryingcapacity of the most productive local lands was exceeded,and farmers began todepend upon more fragile parts of the ecosystem.The economic result was dimin-ishing returns to agricultural labor,and the production of food failed to keep pacewith the increasing population. By the mid-eghth century,when the population was reaching its historic apex,widespread deforestation and erosion had set in,thereby intensifving the decliningproductivity problems associated with moving onto marginal lands.By the eighthand ninth centuries,the evidence reveals high levels of infant and adolescent mor-talky,as well as widespread malnutrition.The royal dynasty,an important source ofleadership in this society,collapsed ratller abruptly around A.D.820-822.






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  •   本书是一本经典性教科书的英文版,可以原汁原味地学习。环境与自然资源经济学的核心是产权制度与外部性的治理,但这门学问在中国却很不发达,而中国的资源枯竭和环境破坏问题却层出不穷。
  •   环境以及各种资源类型都讲到了
  •   纯英文,买了另一本中译版的补充看。书的内容不错,只不过纸张印刷方面没有本人在书店买的同系列的书质量好唉……
  •   英文讲解详细,深入浅出,不错
  •   经典,通俗易懂,超级喜欢,值得收藏
  •   我觉得比中文译制版本的好些,不过看起比较费时。
  •   书的质量不错,还会继续买的~
  •   书是全英文的,看起来费事。建议着急的人放弃
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