出版时间:2012-4 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 作者:伊兰伯格,史密斯 著,刘昕 改编 页数:423
罗纳德·G·伊兰伯格(Ronald G.Ehrenberg),康奈尔大学产业与劳资关系学院欧文·M·艾夫斯(Lrving
Programs评估、Compensation Programs分析等。
第1章 导论
第2章 劳动力市场概论
第3章 劳动力需求
第4章 劳动力需求弹性
第5章 劳动力市场中的摩擦力
第6章 经济中的劳动力供给:工作决策
第7章 劳动力供给:家庭生产、家庭和生命周期
第8章 补偿性工资差别与劳动力市场
第9章 人力资本投资:教育与培训
第10章 薪酬与生产率:企业的工资决定
第11章 失业
第12章 国际贸易和生产共享对劳动力市场的影响
版权页: 插图: Modern Labor Economtics:Theory and Public Policy has grown out ofour experiences over the last three decades in teaching labor marketeconomics and conducting research aimed at influencing publicpolicy.Our text develops the modern theory of labor market behavior,summarizes empirical evidence that supports or contradicts each hypothesis,and illustrates in detail the usefulness of the theory for public policy analysis.We believe that showing students the social implications of concepts enhancesthe motivation to learn them and that using the concepts of each chapter inan analytic setting allows students to see the concepts in action.The extensiveuse of detailed poficy applications constitutes a major contribution of this text. If,as economists believe,passing“the market test”is the ultimatecriterion for judging the success of an innovation,launching this tenthedition of Modern Labor Economics is an endeavor that we have approachedwith both satisfaction and enthusiasm.We believe that economic analysis hasbecome more widely accepted and valued in the area of policy analysis andevaluation,and that labor economics has become an ever more vibrant andvigorous field within economics.Modern Labor Economics was first publishedabout a decade after neoclassical analysis of the labor market replacedinstitutional treatment as the dominant paradigm,and in the interveningquarter century,this paradigm has grown increasingly sophisticated in itstreatment of labor market issues and the institutions that affect them.Thisperiod has been a very exciting and rewarding time to be a labor economist,and our enthusiasm for bringing this field to the student remains unabated.